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Q: What if you forgot to put the cap on directly after you peed on the pregnancy test?
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What happens if you peed all over a pregnancy test strip?

Urinating directly onto a pregnancy test strip can affect its accuracy by diluting the sample or causing interference with the chemicals reacting on the strip. It is best to follow the instructions for using the test properly to obtain accurate results.

Is it best to take a pregnancy test with your morning pee?

yes because the test will be more accurate when you havn't eaten or peed

What does a book mean in an ept digital pregnancy test?

That there has been an eorr and u will need to re take the test eather you peed on it to much or not enfo

If your boyfriend came on the pregnancy test then you peed on it are you still pregnant?

This seems like an unlikely occurrence. Still, because pregnancy tests work based on HcG, a hormone made by women during pregnancy, and do not test for sperm, they would be no reason that your boyfriend's ejaculate would influence the outcome of the test.

What if the pregnancy test is nor positive nor negative?

Make sure you peed on the strip then redo. if still neither you have a 50-50 shot.

Can results be invalid if you peed on result window of pregnancy test?

Yes. After getting a positive test result when I was pregnant with my son, I took another test to show my husband's parents. I accidentally peed on the result window and the test came out negative. I don't know if it's always invalid, but it happened with me, so there you go :)I've learned to just pee in a cup and dip the test in.

How does a women know she is about to give birth?

you'll feel alot of wetness almost like you just peed.....butu can tell the differnece

Is it possible for at home pregnancy test to be wrong if your still experiencing pregnancy symptoms?

Sorry I forgot to add this in there I did both because my boyfriend and I thought I was pregnant and my mom brought me to the doctor, but before that I took a at home pregnancy test, but I have almost all the symptoms of pregnancy

A doctors pregnancy test vs home pregnancy test?

A doctor's pregnancy test is much more accurate, where as a home pregnancy test can be faulty.

Are over-the-counter pregnancy tests reliable?

Over the counter pregnancy test are directly proportional to the pregnancy time of the person. If the pregnancy is in the early stages it is highly probable that the test will show a false negative, because the levels of hCG in the urine are still too low to be detected. In these cases is recommended two things: 1. Waiting for a couple of days to re-test, or 2. Go to your Physician so that blood test can be order for testing pregnancy.

How ruminants are being test in terms of pregnancy test?

pregnancy test

If you forgot to take 3 pills and started your period then a week later spotted how long does it take for your next period to come?

Hiya! Your next period will come when you start your sugar pills. If it is late again do a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy .