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Absolutely - yes. Look up Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - it can be devastating for a child all through their lives.

Answer2: Children whose mothers drank even moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can suffer from certain disabilities, including behavioral problems and learning deficits. "You don't have to be an alcoholic to hurt your baby," remarks Professor Ann Streissguth, of the fetal alcohol and drug unit at the University of Washington, "you just have to be drinking enough and pregnant." The report of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research Alcool-Effets sur la santé notes: "The absorption of alcohol is deleterious during the whole gestational period, and no minimal dose has ever been established below which there are no risks." Consequently, the wisest course for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy may be not to drink any alcohol at all.*Alcohol is far worse for the developing fetus than any other abused drug"

Women who are breast-feeding should be aware that after they drink, alcohol builds up in their breast milk. In fact, the concentration of alcohol in breast milk is often higher than in blood, since there is more water in the milk to absorb the alcohol than there is in blood. See 10/05 Awake magazine on Jehovah's Witnesses official website.

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8y ago
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16y ago

Most likely not, unless you drank mass amounts of alcohol. Since you did not know that you were pregnant I assume you are not very far a long. I would not worry too much, but when you to your next doctor's visit you might mention that and discuss it further since he/she would have more details upon your situation that I have.

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13y ago

um.. It could result in miscarriage, yes, but also it could result in a fetus developing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Google FAS and read about it.

No pregnancy and alcohol shouldn't be done at the same time, but if you did it wont kill the foetus. It would take large amounts of alcohol to significantly harm the baby in development terms.

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17y ago

As long as you don't do it regularly then you should be ok, but i would still go to the doctors to get checked up, good luck.

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Q: What if you drank alcohol and did not know you could be pregnant?
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