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It is very unlikely that any surgeon will perform a hysterectomy if you are or could be pregnant unless you have an ectopic pregnancy in which case he/she may perform a salpingo oopherectomy (tubes and ovary) on one side but unlikely to take uterus as well.

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Q: What if you are pregnant and facing a hysterectomy?
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Pregnant after hysterectomy?

You cannot get pregnant after a complete hysterectomy.

Can you get pregnant after a hysterectomy and no period?

hysterectomy is removal of womb which is where baby grows. No womb = no baby

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No, it is not possible for a woman to get pregnant after having a hysterectomy. Without a uterus there is nowhere for the egg to implant or grow.

Can you get pregnant even though you had an radical hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is were your uterus has been removed. So there fore you can not get pregnant. The embryo attaches itself to your uterus. In order for you to become pregnant you have to have a uterus.

Can someone be pregnant after hysterectomy?

This not possible as hysterectomy is removal of the uterus where the foetus would normally grow.

Can woman that have been sterilized get pregnant?

No, you can't get pregnant after a hysterectomy.

Is it possible for one to become pregnant after having hysterectomy?

No.As the uterus is removed in a hysterectomy there is nowhere for the baby to be carried to term.

Can you get pregnant if had hysterectomy?

As the womb is where the baby grows and you won't have one then NO

Can up get pregnant even if you had an hysterectomy and no longer have your uterus but this have your ovaries?


Can you have a child if you are forced to have a partial hysterectomy?

No as the uterus will be removed. No woman will be forced to have a hysterectomy and the operation cannot be done unless you have signed a consent form or your life is in danger and you are unable to sign it.

Can you get pregnant after an hysterectomy?

No as your womb(uterus) is removed and you cannot carry the baby

Can you become pregnant if you had a partial hysterectomy and what are the symptoms?

If uterus has been removed then no you cannot get pregnant. Symptoms are a non-sequitor