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Any time sperm (or pre-cum) has contact with your vagina (or surrounding areas) there's a chance for pregnancy.

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Q: What if the sperm is touched from outside clothes the fingers only feel the moisture then the finger is inserted into the vagina?
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Why do clothes take longer to dry on a rainy day?

as there is much moisture outside.. and humid air does not soak moisture from clothes and let them dry..

Wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day?

Yes, wet clothes take longer to dry on a humid day because the air already has a high moisture content, so it cannot absorb as much additional moisture from the clothes. This slows down the process of evaporation, which is necessary for the clothes to dry.

Can wind dry clothes?

Yes, wind can help dry clothes by increasing air circulation and facilitating evaporation of moisture from the fabric. Hanging clothes outside in the wind can speed up the drying process compared to still air.

How does a Gas Clothes Dryer work?

A gas clothes dryer uses a gas burner to heat the air inside the dryer. The heated air is then circulated through the clothes drum to remove moisture from the clothes. The moisture-laden air is then vented outside, while the cycle continues until the clothes are dry.

How does an automatic clothes dryer dry your clothes?

An automatic clothes dryer uses hot air to evaporate moisture from wet clothes. The hot air is generated by a heating element and is circulated inside the drum to absorb the moisture. The warm, damp air is then vented outside while dry air continues to circulate inside the drum to dry the clothes.

Why do wet clothes dry?

Wet clothes dry because of evaporation. When water on the clothes absorbs heat from the surroundings, it changes from a liquid to a gas and evaporates into the air. This process removes moisture from the clothes, eventually making them dry.

What is the fastest way to dry clothes without a dryer?

The fastest way to dry clothes without a dryer is to hang them outside in direct sunlight on a warm and breezy day. Alternatively, you can hang clothes indoors near a fan or heater to speed up the drying process. Using a dehumidifier in the room can also help to absorb moisture and dry clothes faster.

Why do clothes dry on a line?

Clothes dry on a line because of a process called evaporation. When clothes are hung outside, the heat from the sun causes the water on the clothes to evaporate, leaving them dry. The wind also helps by carrying away the moisture, further speeding up the drying process.

What things do you hang outside?


How do you use the word clothes in a sentence?

When I was outside it was raining and my clothes had become wet

Can wind be used for drying clothes?

sure Grandma always hung her clothes outside on the clothes line to dry.

Will wet clothes dry outside in the winter?
