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Sounds like it. You have to go see a doctor to get it confirmed and see that everything is out so you don't get infections. You might need a D&C.

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Q: What if had a light bleed then lost what looked like squid about 2 inches long then heavy bleeding have you had an early miscarriage?
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Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months without bleeding?

Yes you can have a miscarriage at any point in pregnancy and not bleed or have any normal signs of miscarriage

Did you have a miscarriage if you had bad cramping and bleeding but it wasn't heavy?

If the bleeding wasn't heavy this should be normal, but anytime you bleed you should let your doctor know right away.

Do you cramp and bleed bright red blood during a miscarriage?

Yes. If you are pregnant and are bleeding and cramping, go to the E.R. immediately. There are other complications that can cause bleeding and when medical help is sought soon enough, it may be possible to avoid miscarriage.

Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?

While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.

How long does one bleed after a miscarriage?

It depends on the person I bleed for 5 days after my miscarriage

Is it possible to bleed because of a miscarriage?

It can be a sign of a miscarriage or it can just be "normal" bleeding. If you are bleeding, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. With a miscarriage the bleeding is usually "chunky" and you have cramps, but not always. It could be a sign of miscarriage if its heavy bleeding like a period i had a miscarriage 2 months ago and mine started out with mild cramps then i started to sopt brown and then i was bleeding like a normal period and a few hours later the cramps got really bad talk to your doctor about this. Dont worry to much over it some women do spot when they are pregnant. Good Luck!

Is the baby alive if you are eight weeks pregnant and having light bleeding?

It is impossible to say, but bleeding does not always mean that a miscarriage is inevitable. Many women bleed and it eventually settles, while in other cases it does not but increases and becomes accompanied by cramps.

If i am Bleeding bright red blood am i having a miscarge?

You bleed A LOT when you have a miscarriage and during your period you also bleed bright red so see a doctor if unsure. Take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after.

Can a miscarriage be fatal?

In cases where the placenta comes loose and you start to bleed and even pass out or it's very late in the pregnancy, yes it can be fatal due to the bleeding.

What is the present participle of bleed?

The present participle of bleed is bleeding.

Can an ultrasound show if you had a miscarriage?

An ultrasound scan will show if you have had a miscarriage. Sometimes you may bleed from near the placenta (afterbirth) but you don't miscarry and it will show this too. Sometimes you bleed and lose the baby but not all the placenta comes away which can be dangerous, causing bleeding and/or infection. the ultrasound scan can show all these things.

Is there a possibility a woman may not experience bleeding during a miscarriage?

No, during miscarriage there is always bleeding. In early miscarriage the embryo and uterine lining will shed so look like a heavy menstrual bleed, further on in pregnancy there may be more obvious embryo or foetus and late pregnancy a woman would need to go to hospital to give birth to the foetus.