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When girls first get their period it is common to miss it sometimes. Even when females get older they can still miss their period, but still feel the symptoms of a period. If you continually miss your period month after month you should consult your doctor.

On a personal note I miss my periods some months.I always have since I started menstrual cycle. I still, unfortunately, get the symptoms. My gynecologist told me I need to come and see her if I miss my period for six months in a row. If I were you, I would monitor my period and if I miss it again go and see my doctor. Every female is different and you wan to make sure you get the proper diagnosis from your doctor. Generally speaking it is not uncommon, especially for females just starting their periods for the first time, to miss a period here and there.

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Q: What if a virgin misses her period and still has cravings and before symptoms?
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