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Q: What icd-9 code is used for RML pneumonia infiltrate?
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What icd 9 code is used for RML pneumonia infiltrate?


What icd-10 code is used for rll infiltrate?


What is icd9 code for complex regional pain syndrome?

337.20 is the code for complex regional pain syndrome. It used to be called reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

What is the ICD-9 code for occupational therapy treatment?

Here is the V-code for OT, ICD9 codes are for actual diagnosis V57.21 this code is used for OT treatment. There is a different # used for billing each type of treatment.

What does the ICD9 code v262.1 mean?

This is not a valid ICD-9-CM V-code, unless you actually meant V26.21 which is used to report an encounter for: Fertility testing.

What is icd-9 code for iv antibiotic administration?

The ICD9 code used as a diagnosis for IV antibiotic administration will depend on the infection being treated. Perhaps you were looking for a procedure code for administration.

What is the icd9 code for non ambulatory?

The ICD-9 code for non-ambulatory would be 719.7. This code is used for difficulty in walking, but excludes an abnormality in the patient's gait. The new ICD-10-CM code will be R26.2.

What is the icd9 code for non-ambulatory?

The ICD-9 code for non-ambulatory would be 719.7. This code is used for difficulty in walking, but excludes an abnormality in the patient's gait. The new ICD-10-CM code will be R26.2.

What is the name of the book used in the physician's office to code procedures?

The CPT manual, or Current Procedure Terminology manual, is the book used in teh physician's office to code procedure. It's companion is the ICD9 coding book.

Which icd9 code is use with cpt code 90862?

It depends on the reason the patient is receiving the treatment, for example bipolar, personality disorder ect. There is not one specific code that is to be used with 90862, it is a pharmacy management code, so it is basically asking you why the patient is taking medication.

What is the icd9 code for simple surgical wound care?

The ICD codes for wound care vary depending on the type of care needed. The base code is V58.4, but there are 4th digit subclassifications that may be used to clarify the information better.

What icd9 code is used for a wheelchair?

Depends on Standard, Hemi, Heavy Duty, Extra Heavy Duty, Power Chair, etc. Your run-of-the-mill chair is code K0001, then they vary K000x with x being a number that changes based on the first line of this answer.