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The use of robotics in prostate surgery has steadily grown in recent years however not many facilities are fully equipped for this. The University Of Maryland Medical Center is suitably equipped with the latest robotic equipement for prostate surgery.

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A majority of all hospitals that obtain a surgical robot are doing more prostate surgeries for cancer. All fifty states have hospitals that have robotic assisted surgery.

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Where can I learn more about robotic prostate surgery?

The Henry Ford Hospital seems to be the leader in robotic surgery. They have a very good website about robotic prostate surgery. The URL is:

What are the benefits of getting robotic prostate surgery?

Robotic prostate surgery is out-patient surgery. It's painless and non-invasive with a lowered risk of impotence or erectile dysfunction. It saves healthy tissues.

Where can I find helpful reviews regarding robotic prostate surgery?

The best way to find helpful reviews regarding robotic prostate surgery is by visiting the WebMD website. You can also go online and search under prostate surgery reviews.

Top rate robotic prostatectomy clinics can be found where?

Top rate robotic prostatecomy clinics can be found at the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic has several trained prostate care professionals. The Mayo Clinic has saved several people's lives including Randall Minion; Randal had prostate cancer but with the Mayo Clinic's robotic surgery, he survived.

Is the whole prostate removed in surgery?

The treatment for prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate depends on the stage of the cancer or issues with BPH. Some surgeons will recommend removing the prostate and others experienced in more advanced treatments can use robotic surgery to remove the cancer and possibly keeping the prostate intact. A urologist experienced in dealing with prostate cancer and treating enlarged prostate would be able to give you more information and options available.

Where can I get information regarding prostate surgery?

The best authority on prostate laser surgery would be the Mayo Clinic. They have a webpage for prostate surgery at

Does robotic surgery use energy?

Yes, robotic surgery uses energy. During the procedures, electrical energy is used.

Where can one find more information on robotic surgery?

The website Librarythinkquest contains an educational site on the technology of robotic surgery. The book "Robotic Surgery" by Farid Gharagozloo and Farzad Najam is one of the most important books on robotic surgery. One doesn't need thorough medical knowledge of the subject for understanding the content of the book.

What procedures can be performed by robotic surgery?

"Robotic surgery can perform many different surgeries. They include; general surgery, cardiothoracic surgery,cardiology and electrophysiology, gastrointestinal surgery, gynecology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, pediatrics, radiosurgery, urology, and vascular surgery."

What about prostate cancer surgerydoes zenerx work after that surgery?

Can you use Zenerx after successful prostate surgery !

What exactly is a prostate surgery?

A urologist or surgeon specializing in male reproductive issues.

What is cryo prostate surgery?

My husband has just had prostate cancer surgery. I am passing along what I learned before his surgery took place. Cryo surgery is a procedure by which the prostate is removed by freezing it. It may or may not be recommended for different stages of prostate cancer. Good luck.