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Medications that prevent the production of testosterone: [goserelin or leuprolide acetate]); radiation treatment; chemotherapy.

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13y ago

Hormonal therapy (The drugs that are usually given for prostate cancer are either medications that oppose the action of male sex hormones [anti-androgens, usually flutamide or nilutamide].

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Q: What hormonal drug therapy can a prostate cancer patient be given after orchiectomy?
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How risky is it for a cancer patient to have an orchiectomy?

Orchiectomy by itself has a very low rate of morbidity and mortality. Patients who are having an orchiectomy as part of cancer therapy have a higher risk of dying from the cancer than from testicular surgery.

Where is an orchiectomy for cancer therapy usually performed?

Orchiectomy performed as part of cancer therapy may be done in a hospital under general anesthesia, but is most often done as an outpatient procedure in a urology clinic or similar facility.

Does Prostate cancer respond to radiation therapy?

Prostate cancer responds well to radiation therapy

How is a woman's prostate cancer treated?

It is treated by surgery, Brachytherapy and hormone therapy.

What different treatments are there to cure prostate cancer?

Procedures to treat prostate cancer and chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. Surgery can include removal of cancer from the prostate, or removal of prostate gland.

What treatments are there for prostate cancer?

Surgery, radiation, hormone therapy are the three chief treatments for prostate cancer.

What new hormonal therapy to relieve menstrual disorders is becoming popular?

A new treatment that involves intrauterine hormonal therapy is gaining acceptance, but had not been approved by the FDA as of spring 2004.

When would a cancer patient get ajuvant therapy?

Adjuvant therapy is given to a cancer patient when they have had surgery, but, because of the risk of re-occurrence in that area, they are given this additional therapy as a precaution. A patient may get radiation as an adjuvant therapy.

What does menstruation have to do with physical therapy?

That depends on the type of therapy. Some types of therapy can be adversely influenced by hormonal changes. This can be a reason why menstruation becomes a factor.

What treatment are recommended for small amounts of cancer in the prostate?

Prostrate cancer is treated in one or a number of ways depending what stage and type of disease is present. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone treatment and also active surveillance are all options.

What are nonsurgical cancer treatments?

These treatments include systematic chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and radiotherapy as alternatives or adjunctive therapy for patients with cancer.

What type of treatment is available for anorexia?

There are basically 2 types of and out-patient. In-Patient: Hospital to regain weight, therapy, mental / psychologist sessions, nurtitionists, IV / feeding tubes, strict rule, drug therapy (if needed) Out-Patient: Doctors visits, medical monitoring, drug therapy (if needed), therapy, mental / psychologist sessions, nutritionist.