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when you are sick you rest, eat fruit, vegetables,go see a doctor,get more sleep,use less energy if your sickness makes you get energy loss,eat medicine,drink warm water,don't talk too much,warm water helps with sore throat,if you are sneezing or have running nose get a tissue,also check you temperature,drink soup,don't eat banana if you are coughing,don't drink cold water,don't eat ice cream it will make your cold worse,if you are cold put on more cloths and get a blanket.These things will help you when you are sick.Also eat an apple it will save you a doctor visit and helps you with your cold.Thank you for your question I hope you will ask more question because I can help you

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13y ago


1. Drink ginger-ale(: (helps alot)

2.Chew "Mint" Gum. It's Helps.

3.Drink mineral water.

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