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I've read several inquiries online from people desperately seeking relief as they experience an unusual deep nerve penetrating itch after a sunburn.

My family has experienced this for three generations and when we finally found this soulution we try to let others know.

For intense-deep-i'm going crazy-sunburn itch ....get PEPPERMINT OIL. Be careful not to buy peppermint extract. You can find PEPPERMINT OIL in health food stores and natural foods stores. There are some pharmacists who know about this and carry it as well...not many though.

Rub the oil directly on the affected area until all of the surface is covered. If you can't reach...for back burns, have someone else apply thorougly.

The hands of whoever applies it will feel the cooling affect of the oil even after they wash their hands. It feels fine, not painful in anyway. AVOID any contact with eyes, mouth or nose however as they will be irritated by the oil.

This is the ONLY thing that works nearly instantly and permanently with this deep nerve sunburn itch that some people experience. One application is all that is necessary as Peppermint oil is pretty potent. Please try this. I know the insanity you are feeling if you are going through this right now.

Again I'm talking about unusually intensedeep nerve itching, not regular peeling skin itch that most people experience post sunburn. This deeper, intense almost pinching itch begins usually one or two days following a burn and those who experience it feel as though they are going crazy as it's intensity is nearly unbearable.

Things to avoid that only make this itch worse...don't apply any lotion or other oils. This includes pure aloe vera which seems to just dry it more. Standing under a cool shower spray can help as long as you are in it while you wait for someone to buy the PEPPERMINT OIL. Anyone who has gone through this knows that any relief brought by the spray of water goes away as soon as you get out of the shower and start to dry the itch returns.

PEPPERMINT OIL WILL remove the itch.

Just writing about this always makes me remember the insane feeling of experiencing this and makes me hopeful others will find this in time to find relief.

Once you've used it IT WILL WORK. You'll want to keep the oil on hand and avoid at all costs exposing yourself to the sun again like that in the future. We know two things about it...if you've experienced it once you are vulnerable to it happening again, and, it seems to be a genetic thing. About half of my family members have experienced it once, two of them twice. We don't risk it anymore. It is sure nice to know what to do about it though.

I research this quite a lot to see if other's have found this solution. I did see a few posts that have indicated that gold balm medicated powder has worked for some relief too. I haven't tried that (and don't intend to EVER be in the position to need to), but it's worth writing about any real relief as this is such a crazy thing to experience with no relief.

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14y ago
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8y ago

Clean it properly with water and apply some tea tree oil that works a natural coolant for burns. When you start feeling that now there is less redness and itchiness start using coconut oil this will help in reducing mark.

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12y ago

Use POWER 10-D. It is 100% natural.

Aloe Vera Gel is also really good for a sunburn.

For the itching use Apple Cider Vinegar, you may smell like a salad bar at Denny's but it works and will take the itching away in minutes. Or you can use Motrin because it's a inflammatory but that will take about forty minutes if you take two if you take four or five which I'm not recommending the itching will go away in fifteenth minutes.

From my own personal experience i had it bad and calimine(pink kind clear didnt do anything) would work after a few mins of rubbing it in good and that worked on my chest but i had to use benydral gel for my back i never tried aloe vera but that's what comes up alot when i was looking for what would stop me from near killing myself

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15y ago

The itch that accompanies a healing sunburn can be maddening. There are many over the counter products that will cool and numb the itch, while moisturizing the skin. For a homemade treatment, try brewing a very strong tea and letting it cool to room temperature. Apply to unbroken, non-blistered sunburns with a tea-soaked cotton ball. As the tea dries, it cools the burned skin, and the tannic acids help the itch. The gel from the center of the Aloe Vera plant leaves is also very soothing and highly regarded for the treatment of minor burns. Any burn that produces blisters or occurs over a large body surface area, OR involves the genitalia, should be treated by a medical Doctor Who can prescribe stronger medications and ointments for symptoms.

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13y ago

Apply Peppermint oil, available at your local pharmacy. Rub the oil directly on the affected area until all of the surface is covered. If you can't reach...for back burns, have someone else apply thorougly.

The hands of whoever applies it will feel the cooling affect of the oil even after they wash their hands. It feels fine, not painful in anyway. AVOID any contact with eyes, mouth or nose however as they will be irritated by the oil.

This is the ONLY thing that works nearly instantly and permanently with this deep nerve sunburn itch that some people experience. One application is all that is necessary as Peppermint oil is pretty potent. Things to avoid that only make this itch worse...don't apply any lotion or other oils. This includes pure aloe vera which seems to just dry it more. Standing under a cool shower spray can help as long as you are in it while you wait for someone to buy the PEPPERMINT OIL. Anyone who has gone through this knows that any relief brought by the spray of water goes away as soon as you get out of the shower and start to dry the itch returns.

PEPPERMINT OIL WILL remove the itch.

I research this quite a lot to see if others have found this solution. I did see a few posts that have indicated that Gold Bond medicated powder has worked for some relief too. I haven't tried that (and don't intend to EVER be in the position to need to), but it's worth writing about any real relief as this is such a crazy thing to experience with no relief.

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it really depends on how bad the sunburn was. my advice would be to but lots of aloe on it and a good thick cetaphil Sunburn itch will last as long as you have blisters on burned skin

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The reason why is because your really hot, and the environment around you is colder than you (usually at night) If you have sunburn pretty bad then you are likely to get this symptom. You Just need to adapt to the coldness around you should go when your sunburn fades away. Hope this helps!

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they do burn actually it is kinda like a sting when you itch them. I have them right now and it burns/stings really bad.

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yes and it is really bad for them so wear sunglasses

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good luck

Does Sunburn Bubble as it heals?

A very bad sunburn will blister, yes.

How 2 make sun burn stop hurtin?

well i have a really bad sunburn right now too. i use aloe vera and it helps release the pain. you can normally find in in your local drugstore. hope this helps!(Ivie88 says) I too have a sun burn and it is really bad. If you take some vinegar and a VERY little bit of water on a cottonball and dabb it onto your sunburn... it REALLY helps! Aloe helps too, if that doesn't work then use the vinegar! Good luck with your burn! (BTW mine is so red moving my arms hurts. and if i go to bed i have to lie down and NOT move. I put my arms by my side and put my head on the pillow! Good luck)

How long does it take for sunburn to turn to sun tan?

Yes, most of the time. Unless its really really bad. if its really bad, then it will just peel. But most of the time it'll get tan

How do you feel if you have a sunburn?

Depends on how bad your sunburn is. A mild one and you'll be uncomfortable, or your skin could sting and even itch, too. A severe one and you're in agony, running a fever, and even becoming delirious. Blistering, dehydration and a severe electrolyte imbalance can cause delirium, shock and even death from sunpoisoning.

How long does a sunburn hurt?

it really depends on how bad the sunburn was. my advice would be to but lots of aloe on it and a good thick cetaphil Sunburn itch will last as long as you have blisters on burned skin

What does it mean when you have a really bad itch inside and your pee smells and stings?

It sounds like you have cystitis. You should talk to a doctor.