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Acid Reflux happens when acid from the stomach moves up into your esophagus there are a number of health issue that can cause acid reflux these include being overweight or obese having a hiatal hernia being pregnant and taking blood pressure medication also being a smoker can cause acid reflux .

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Acids in the body, such as stomach acid, help with digestion by breaking down food. The body also has a buffer system to help maintain a stable pH level to keep things running smoothly. Some health conditions can cause an imbalance in acid levels, leading to issues like acidosis or acid reflux.

Why is having hydrochloric acid in our stomach harmful?

Hydrochloric acid in our stomach is necessary for breaking down food and killing bacteria. However, if there is an excess of acid or if the stomach lining is damaged, it can lead to conditions such as acid reflux, ulcers, and gastritis. Chronic exposure to high levels of hydrochloric acid can potentially damage the stomach lining and cause health issues.

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No, some of them can cause light depression.

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