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It depends. Is the gum erosion on the buccal (cheek) side of the tooth, and is the dentin (root) exposed? That could be caused from using too hard of a toothbrush You should always use a SOFT toothbrush, and use gentle circular motions at the sulcus (2mm part of the gum that is around the neck of the tooth)

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Q: What has happened when the gum exposes the one tooth?
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When there is no caries then why toothache occur?

A cavity is a defect in the enamel of a tooth, which usually but not always exposes the sensitive dentin and/or pulp to the oral environment. This causes the nerve in the tooth root to become inflammed and irritated, causing a toothache. Other causes of a toothache would be gingivitis (gum disease), pressure on the tooth nerve (such as from an abscess) and neuritis (inflammation of the nerve). While a cavity is one of the more common causes of toothaches, it is not the only cause.

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hi i just got out one of my back teeth today. Well, I was chewing gum or candy. So i suggest if you want your tooth out faster to chew gum with the back tooth that is wiggly. Hopefully it will come out. Mine did.

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because your gum is to soft or it will not make your teeth strong it mite just fall out

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The crown of tooth is below the gum is true

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Swelling of the gum above a tooth may indicate gum disease like gingivitis or periodontitis. It could also be a sign of an infection or abscess in the gum tissue. It is important to see a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What if the gum does not grow back when tooth is pulled?

I asked my brother in December and he said you have to go to the dentist and they will put a silver tooth in or a white one but the white tooth is expensive. My friend also had silver teeth. I asked my brother in December and he said you have to go to the dentist and they will put a silver tooth in or a white one but the white tooth is expensive. My friend also had silver teeth.

Had a root canal where the prognosis was guarded due to crack in tooth. More than a year later the gum on the outside above tooth is swollen what are the possible causes?

Abcess, where bacteria has set up an infection at the end of the tooth's root.Might be a gum infection.Either way, get to a dentist. Any infection should be treated, especially one in the head region.

If you have very good dental hygiene and just got braces then what could cause gum swelling under one tooth?

Smoking, chewing - and the cancer that will result, Infection of the tooth or gum - perhaps an abcess Cavity in the tooth Some kinds of drug use Food caught between the teeth or between the gum and tooth Injury to the gum - like scratching it while eating a tortilla chip If it increases from "slight" it might means your tooth is about to fall out

Will a baby tooth come out if a new tooth is behind it?

This happened to me and one of the baby teeth eventually fell out. I had to have two others pulled out by the dentist.

What is an interesting fact about a shark?

Sharks have many rows of teeth and whne one tooth falls out the row behind it replaces the empty gum

What do you do when an 11 year old has upper permanent teeth coming in in the gum above the tooth that has not fallen out yet?

My kid had similar situation. He had 2 permanent teeth like that. Took him to the dentist and he extracted the one that was coming in the gum.