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Q: What has caused marci ien's weight gain?
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What is Brunei nationality in French?

Citizens of Brunei are called 'brunéiens / brunéiennes' in French. It is likely that you will have to do some explaining if you plan to use these words in French.

How do you translate 'being' into Latin?

Do you mean like an animal (living being)? Or something like being happy? Animal-ish being: res vivens being (happy): iens

If you acquired a student loan prior ro marriage is your new husband responsible for your loan debt?

No. You are responsible for your debts. You are both responsible for joint debts. Your spouse is repsonsible for your spouse's debts. This is regardless of when you get married or when the debt is acquired. There are a few exceptions such as burial expenses, nursing homes, estates, tax l iens, etc. But for regular consumer debts pertaining to loans and revolving credit, only the person who signed the application for credit is repsonsible for the debt incurred.

What does Operor non turbo an securus iens vir per a baradus vir mean in English?

You can be absolutely certain that anything that begins with the words Operor non is not an actual Latin sentence, but rather the output of a certain online "translation" site that produces these words when presented with an English text beginning "Do not . . .".It is possible to work out the entire English sentence that induced that site to produce the above string of Latin words (it was, in all likelihood, "Do not confuse an easy going man with a stupid man"), but that doesn't remotely constitute a Latin-to-English translation, since the Latin is essentially meaningless.