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Yes, once you have confirmed that someone does have a pulse and is not breathing (or breathing abnormally), you should immediately call emergency services and begin CPR until help arrives. Early CPR is essential in increasing the chance of survival of someone in cardiac arrest.

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13y ago

The sooner CPR is started on any patient in cardiac arrest, the better the patient's chance of survival.

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Early CPR on a child in cardiac arrest can save the child's life.

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Can keep vital organs alive until advanced medical care can begin.

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Q: What happens when you perform early CPR on a child in cardiac arrest?
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Can a baby survive cardiac arrest or is it too much?

Babies can survive cardiac arrest, but there are degrees of "survival" that will vary greatly depending on how long the child was in arrest before resuscitation efforts were started, and how quickly the heart started to beat on it's own again. It also depends on what the condition of the child was prior to the cardiac arrest. If the child was mostly healthy, and suffered the arrest during a near drowning, for example, then as long as the child was quickly resuscitated, they have a chance for a full recovery. If there are underlying conditions, or disease pathologies that make the child prone to arrest and the complications thereof, the outcome may be more dire.

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If someone is with you have them call 911 while you check the child's ABCs. If no one is with you tend to the child for 2 minutes then call 911.

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Nope. Happens all the time. Someone has to pay to raise you child, it really should be you.

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If the judgement is a court order, then the court will order her arrest and have the child removed from her. The court may then impose tougher orders.

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Arrest and Trial - 2000 Child Abduction was released on: USA: 2001

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If A trained responder who is alone and witnesses a child who suddenly collapses in cardiac arrest should?

You should call 911 immediately but keep in mind that you only have about 4 minutes to get blood moving in the child's body before brain damage is a strong possibility. If you found the child unresponsive and not breathing and are alone, give 2 minutes of care before making the call to 911.

Why did Michael Jackson die fast?

Michael Jackson went into respiratory arrest from an overdose given him by a physician. When a person goes into respiratory arrest, it leads to a cardiac arrest, meaning, the heart stops beating. Michael Jackson died from a combination of cardio-pulmonary arrest since his physician was not present in the room, so no CPR was started until M.J. was already dead.

Will the cops arrest a 10 year old?

Yes, a police officer can question a 10 year old without parental consent. This happens when HRS suspects a parent has committed child abuse. A parent does not have a right to abuse a child.

What was the cause of death of Brian Jack of Child's Play?

We are saddened by this loss, but the cause of death was in fact cardiac arrest. Stress, lifestyle, and extreme high blood pressure were all related factors. Family history of high blood pressure stared in Brian at age 40.----

If you have an arrest warrant for child support but child lives with you now?

That can be a problem. The child could get returned to the other parent. see link

For adult victims the time from arrival of the automated external defibrillator to the first shock should be no more than how many seconds?

There is no definite answer. The current guidelines are: For a witnessed cardiac arrest (you saw it happen): Establish responsiveness Call 911, immediately begin CPR, attach AED as soon as possible For an unwitnessed cardiac arrest: Establish responsiveness Immediately begin CPR/have someone else call 911, administer 5 cycles/2 minutes of CPR prior to attaching the AED. DO NOT attach an AED for a child of less than 1 year of age.