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the same thing that would happen to you if you took an entire bottle of vitamins

over fertilizing is just as bad as under fertilizing

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Q: What happens when you give plants an overdose of fertilizer?
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How can a fertilizer help plants grow?

The fertilizer helps give nutrients to the plants growing in it. This means that they grow better or quicker.

What happens if you give plants too little fertilizer?

You definitely can give plants too much fertilizer - although it depends on the type of fertilizer as to what the consequences are. Too much fertilizer will poison the plants and make them either die or become sickly and more easily attacked by diseases and pests. Most granular and liquid fertilizers are basically salts and when they become concentrated in a solid or liquid form a burn can occur. Some weed-and-feed fertilizers actually work by overstimulating the growth of the weeds so that their growth exceeds the ability of their roots to supply water and nutrition once the fertilizer is used up - thus killing the weed. Too much fertilizer can cause the same problem in desirable plants including lawn grass.

What is the plants food name?

If you mean the name of the food plants make, glucose. If you mean food you give to a plant, fertilizer.

What happens if you water flowers with milk?

The milk will sour and start to smell bad. It should not hurt your plants - might even be good for them as a fertilizer. Your plant may wilt if you give them too much.

What is it that plants need from animals and what do plants produce that is esstential to animals?

I think that the plant can use the animal waste as fertilizer and plants can serve as food and they give off oxygen.

Can you give plants less fertilizer than the package says to?

Yes, it is possible to give plants less fertilizer than the package recommends. Too much fertilizer can harm plants, so it's important to follow a conservative approach when fertilizing. Start with a smaller amount and observe how the plant responds before increasing the dosage.

Why is fertiliser added to soil?

Fertilizer is added to soil to replenish essential nutrients that plants need for healthy growth. These nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, can become depleted over time as plants absorb them from the soil. Fertilizer helps to ensure that plants have an adequate supply of nutrients to support their growth and development.

What are some good gardening tips for plants and flowers?

The tips depends on tree that we are gonna grow. But the general tips are give the plant or flower enough water everyday. You should also give it fertilizer for the plants nutrition.

Will tree fertilizer help my garden grow?

Tree Fertilizer spikes might would give it a boost but you can also try fertilizers that are more rich in nutrients for the plants. They carry a wide variety of fertilizers at Lowes.

How are starches formed in plants give four examples?

it just happens.

What do you give a patient for a warfarin overdose?

Vitamin K is considered an "antidote" for warfarin overdose.

What do plants give animals?

Plants provide animals with food in the form of fruits, seeds, leaves, and nectar. They also offer shelter, nesting material, and protection from predators. Additionally, plants play a vital role in maintaining the oxygen levels in the atmosphere which animals need for respiration.