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Simply, toxins from the bacteria cause the intestines to release large amounts of water which causes diarrhea. One way to look at it is that your system is essentially trying to flush out the bad stuff.

You do have to be careful during such a bout because the person experiencing the diarrhea can become dehydrated.

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Q: What happens when you get diarrhea with food poisoning?
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What happens if you get poisoning?

Depends on the type of food poisoning. Different bacteria from different foods, different symptoms. Can range from diarrhea to kidney failure and death.

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What happens if you eat spoiled eggs?

If you eat spoiled eggs, what could happen is that you could get food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning include feeling or being sick, stomach pain and diarrhea.

Two kinds of disease caused by food?

- Food poisoning (diarrhea) - Hepatitis

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Food poisoning, diarrhea, dysentery, and trichinosis.

what are the symptoms of food poisoning and when do you go to emergency room?

Symptoms of food poisoning may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and weakness. You should go to the emergency room if you experience severe dehydration, persistent vomiting, bloody stools, signs of shock (such as confusion or fainting), or if you are in a high-risk group (such as young children, elderly individuals, or pregnant women).

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There are many illnesses associated with dehydration and diarrhea. Usually when a person has diarrhea they get dehydrated, so the root cause is going to be what the diarrhea is from. That can be from the flu to a stomach virus to food poisoning.

How long after eating can food poisoning symptoms start?

Food poisoning is a general term that refers to gastrointestinal illnesses (usually diarrhea and/or vomiting) caused by food that is contaminated with bacteria, parasites, viruses, or toxic substances.

What happens when you get food poisoning?

Depends on the type of food poisoning. Different bacteria from different foods, different symptoms. Can range from diarrhea to kidney failure and death.

Is there a diarrhoea disease?

There are many dieseas (Like food poisoning for example) whose symptoms include diarrhea

Is Diarrhoea a disease?

There are many dieseas (Like food poisoning for example) whose symptoms include diarrhea

Why does fruit cause diarrhea?

Fruit alone should not cause diarrhea, unless it is contaminated and results in food poisoning. Acute diarrhea is generally caused by * infections (e.g. traveler's diarrhea), * food poisoning and * medications. If you have diarrhea it is best to avoid eating fruit, dried fruit, and drinking fruit juice, however, eating bananas and applesauce may actually help control the diarrhea. Read more in references below.