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There is a melanin protection on your skin, but when you get a sunburn that means the sun broke through it because you have been out in the sun too long.

Sun burns can change the DNA of the skin cells a little while also making the skin feel leathery. It also lowers the immune system's reaction time temporarily.

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Q: What happens when you get a sunburn?
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The same as if you got sunburn in England, France, Germany, austailia, Pakistan, new York.........anywhere.........IT'S THE SAME SUN, SUPRISE SUPRISE!! oh, and aftersun could be helpfull.

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sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

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Sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

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I sunburn badly. ___________________________ I recommend a high-factor sunscreen and zinc oxide ointment.

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