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I don't think you die when your hyoid bone is broken. I think that if you're dead, a broken hyoid is strongly indicative of strangelation. So, if you're dead and if you have a broken hyoid, you were probably strangled. The hyoid breaking just occurs, but I think that it's suffocation from lack of air that will kill you...not the hyoid bone itself.

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11y ago

When your strangled your hyoid bone breaks and sends a signal to your brain causing you to stop breathing and die because of the pressure to your hyoid bone.

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What is the name of the bone which usually breaks when a person has been strangled?

The hyoid will sometimes break when a person has been strangled.

What Bone is attached to neck and tongue muscle?

I believe you are talking about the hyoid bone. It's the only bone in the body not directly connected to another bone. It is instead attached to ligaments and muscles.

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The hyoid is the only bone that forms no joint.

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No, the hyoid bone is not classified as a sesamoid bone. Sesamoid bones are small, round bones found embedded within tendons, whereas the hyoid bone is a U-shaped bone located in the neck and serves as a point of attachment for muscles involved in swallowing and speech.

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Ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to the styloid process.

What is the vertebral level of the hyoid bone?

The hyoid bone is at the level/in line with the third cervical (C3) vertebra.

What axial skeleton bone is the only one in the body that does not articulate with another bone?

The hyoid bone is the only axial skeleton bone that does not articulate with another bone. It is located in the neck and serves as an attachment point for muscles involved in swallowing and speaking.

Ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to the?

hyoid bone as well as other structures such as the mandible and the styloid process of the temporal bone. These ligaments help to suspend and stabilize the hyoid bone in the neck.

What are the two muscles that are inserted in or on the hyoid bone of a cat?

The two muscles inserted in or on the hyoid bone of a cat are the geniohyoideus muscle and the mylohyoideus muscle. The geniohyoideus muscle inserts onto the hyoid bone, while the mylohyoideus muscle attaches to the body of the hyoid bone.

Only non articulating bone of the human body?

The hyoid bone is the only bone in the human body that does not articulate with any other bone. It is located in the neck and serves as an attachment point for muscles associated with swallowing and speech.