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I think that a belly ring effect pregnancy because if it gets infected that it can hurt the baby and the baby will probley die from the infection then it will be the mothers fault for having her belly pierced

AnswerI think that a belly ring will effect a womens pregnancy because it would be really hurt baby and it could get infectwed and plus it would infect the inbulca cord that is feeding the baby and if the baby died thenit would be the mother's fault and would feel really guilty for her baby dying and then the hospital would not be able to do anything. AnswerNO absolutely not!! a belly ring will not hurt your baby!! I don't know where you all got your answers from, or if it's your personal opinion, but ask your OB he/she will tell you, that it's up to you, to keep it in or not, after a certain point in your pregnancy your belly button can/will turn out, and it could be a discomfort to you not your baby! AnswerI have had a belly ring for 10 years or longer, and have not had any issues, my ob actually thought my belly looked cute with it! I took it out about 6 months pregnant, and just inserted it so it wouldn't close up! it's a personal choice to leave it in, or take it out! AnswerNo, having your belly button pierced WILL NOT affect your pregnancy at all. The most problems it will cause is irritation to the piercing, but that is your pregnancy affecting your belly button ring. Not the other way around. The reason some say it does is due to your expanding belly and the stretching and protruding of your belly button, possibly causing discomfort around the piercing. There are some ways in avoiding or fixing the problem if you do have the problem, such as using a tephlan belly ring and/or cleaning the piercing everyday to avoid the risk of infection and possibly irritation. Note that all women and pregnancies are different. Your doctor may tell you to take the ring out, or even tell you its perfectly fine. Also, tephlan belly rings may not be a suitable or much more comfortable solution for all women. Ask your OB.
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∙ 14y ago
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∙ 14y ago

Usually no. The skin gets thinner when the belly gets bigger so the piece where the ring is can burst.

If your piercing is fully healed, you can keep the belly button ring. But instead of wearing your typical jewelry, you'll have to replace it with a Pregnancy Belly Ring. It's a long piece of flexible plastic about 2" inches or longer, that's designed to work with your pregnancy.

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∙ 15y ago

You don't want to wear any kind of metal jewelry when you're pregnant because it will probably become uncomfortable.

IF your piercing is completely healed there is no reason why you can't keep it in.

If the metal jewelry does become uncomfortable, you can replace it with a plastic one.

It's bendable and will bend with your belly as it grows.

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∙ 14y ago

You can keep your navel piercing until it gets to a point where it starts to be uncomfortable due to your size. Then you may wish to change it to a PTFE or Bioplast barbell which will flex allowing for more comfort.

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I was able to keep my bellybutton piercing in throughout my entire pregnancy, labour, and afterwards. My daughter is now 14 years old and I still have my belly ring (I got it done when I was about 17)! To give you an idea of how huge my pregnant belly was, I honestly looked like I was going to fall forward onto my face from being front tummy heavy! ðŸĪĢ I was maybe 110 pounds and 5'7" tall, and somehow managed to give birth to a baby that was 8 pounds on the dot and over 22" long! ðŸĪŠ

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∙ 14y ago

Yes, you can have one. You will eventually want to take it out because it will be uncomfortable. When you grow it will stretch and hurt your belly.

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∙ 14y ago

Eventually you are going to want to take it out. When your belly grows it will stretch and hurt. You can take it out for a few months.

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∙ 13y ago

the answer is NO...getting a piercing has absolutely nothing to do with becoming pregnant the only way to prevent pregvnancy is condoms Birth Control or not doing it at all

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∙ 13y ago

Yes. Seen it happen personally.

If u notice ur body starting to push it out, take it out asap. Wait til u have had the baby and try again.

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Can a belly ring affect women who may become pregnant?


If you were to get a belly ring would it effect you being pregnant?

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How long can you leave in a belly ring when you become pregnant before it will stretch and scar?

Depends on the person and fast they start showing signs of pregnancy. Most medical experts say as soon as you find out you are pregnant you should take out your belly ring.

What happens if your belly button is pierced and then you get pregnant?

You can either take out your jewelry, or you can purchase special belly button jewelry for pregnant women, which are simply referred to as pregnancy belly button rings.

Does your belly button get closed when your pregnant?

When you get pregnant, most care providers recommend removing your belly button ring. Even women who don't remove their rings report that belly button rings itch and pull as the belly stretches around the fifth or sixth month. There is also the risk of infection if the belly button ring scratches you or opens a small wound. If you do take out your belly button ring, the piercing hole will probably close, requiring you to re-pierce your belly button after having your baby. However, if you don't want to take out your belly button ring you may want to purchase a non-metal pregnancy piercing ring. These are flexible and two inches long to accommodate your growing belly. Pregnant women claim that this product allows them to keep their bellies pierced without the discomfort of other belly button piercing.

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A Flexible beach ball belly button ring, would be great for a pregnant woman with a piercing.

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im 8 weeks pregnant and my belly itchs in my case i have hair little hairs growing on my belly it only happens when im pregnant look 2 see if you have tiny hairs growing

How does a pregnant belly work?

There is no such thing as a pregnant belly. Bellies cannot get pregnant and pregnancy involves the womb and not the belly.

Is it harmful to poke a pregnant womans belly button?

is safe to poke a belly botton nothing happens and the baby likes it :P

Do your belly buttons started going in when you are pregnant how is your belly buttons supposed to look when you are pregnant?

When your pregnant your belly gets bigger,and your belly button just sticks out there.