They gradually harden, because the large intestine continues to extract water from any content that it contains. There is no predetermined cut-off point, where enough moisture has been recovered.
That would be the alimentary canal. Food enters the mouth, then travels down the esophagus to the stomach. From there it enters the intestines and exits through the anus as feces.
As long as the light remains in the motor oil, nothing happens to its speed.
lung disease
it will turn to rust.
DNA always remains in the sperm, that is how variation happens.
The feces become harder and harder and also become more and more difficult to excrete. Also, as more feces is created, the colon becomes fuller and fuller, creating discomfort and perhaps infection. Holding stools in for long periods is not recommended.
After cell division is completed, it remains for a rather long time in the resting phase.
It takes on the area's properties.
You cannot make the intestines long, or any longer than what you have inside you. As it is, the small intestines are about 20 FEET long and one INCH in diameter! The large intestines are about 5 FEET long and about one INCH in diameter. With 25 feet (about 7.5 METERS) of intestines coiled inside you, why in the world would you want to make the intestines any longer!
A penguins intestine can vary depending on their diet, but most penguins intestines are about 4 meters long!
The urine can back up into your kidneys.
About 1.5 meters long.