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Nothing will happen. People with type AB blood can receive all types of blood (AB, A, B, O)

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Leonora Medhurst

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2y ago
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13y ago

the blood group B have anti gen B while blood Group O donot have any antigen so the whole characteristic of blood group O will be destroyed.

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Q: What happens when 0 blood receives B blood in a transfusion?
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If a person with Type 0-plus blood needs a blood transfusion can A-plus blood be given?

No. Persons with type O blood can only receive type O blood.

Which people does the blood type 0 negative help?

You are one lucky person. Your blood type can help just about anyone in the world. It can help with blood transfusion or just about anything that a person will need.

Why are people with type O blood called universal donors?

People with type O blood are called universal donors because their blood lacks A and B antigens on their red blood cells. This means that their blood can be safely given to individuals with any blood type during a transfusion without causing a negative reaction.

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0% All of the moon receives light only some of the time.

If my friend has 0 blood and I have a blood can I give her my blood for a transfusion?

No, but she can give to you, so long as the negative and positive match up. (Negative can give to both negative and positive, positive can only give to positive). O can give to everyone; A can only give to A o B; B can only give to B or AB; and AB can give to AB (but not O). if you dont follow those rules your body will reject it and you may die :(

Can parents having same blood group 0 positive give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

Yes, parents with blood group O positive can have a child with blood group O negative. This is possible if one parent is heterozygous for the Rh factor (one parent has both positive and negative Rh alleles), allowing for the possibility of the child inheriting the negative Rh factor.

What is Taylor Swift's blood type?

Her blood type is O+

What happens if it is value is 0 percent 0 percent?

then the answer will be 0%

Can a child have mother with B blood type and father has AB blood type produce a child with O blood type?

Yes - but only if both parents are heterozygote, Bo. If they are both Bo, then there is a 1/4 chance that their child will be blood type O, and a 3/4 chance they will be blood type B. If the B+ parent is homozygous ++, then all the children will have + blood. If they are heterozygote, +-, then approximately half the children will be + and half -. The B- parent must be --, so their children will always inherit a - from them.

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The equator receives more direct sunlight than areas further north or south due to its position on Earth, resulting in warmer temperatures and a tropical climate. As you move away from the equator towards the poles, the angle at which sunlight hits the surface decreases, leading to cooler temperatures and different climate zones.

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His blood type is 0+

What latitude receives the most direct rays of the sun?

The sun's rays are strongest at 0 degrees latitude.