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I actually tried it once , and it depends how many times you do it? I did it about 7 times on each leg (just out of curiosity) and at first it burned, then it hurts, and then after a while it gets dark and flakey, then it turns into a recrangular mark, however my friend thought it was cool, having your doctor sending you to a therapist because he thinks he has "mental" issues; so she then sprays herself 20 times on her wrist and it was sooo bad. It was litterally a burn mark, instead being left with a mark, she now has a uplifted scar. So no, i wouldnt recommend it.

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Q: What happens to you if you spray an asthma pump on your body?
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How is asthma common in sports?

Some people have exercise-induced asthma, which is asthma that happens when you are exercising. Asthma is when you start nwheezing and coughing, and you can't breathe. Most people who have asthma will get an asthma pump, a tool used to help you breathe better. If you exercise vigorously, you may run out of breath, and asthmatic people have the tendency to start wheezing and have an asthma attack.

Who invented the asthma pump?


Is asthma pumps just for asthma?

It depends on the medication. The pump itself will take other pressurised medication canisters if they will physically fit. However - the medication in an asthma pump is solely for the treatment of asthma - not other conditions.

What are somethings the doctor will do to help you live with asthma?

the doctor can give u an asthma pump, an asthma machine and pills

What is name of the pump which is used by asthma patients in the time of suffocation?

1. asthma 2. suffocation and 3. by pump you mean inhaler or nebulizer.

Can use of an asthma pump cause epilepsy?

No. But an overdose of asthma medication can cause a siezure.

What does an asthma pump have inside?

I assume you mean an inhaler. There are several different kinds with different asthma medications.

What happens to your heart when you breathe?

it pumps blood to it to rechrive it and pump it through the body

My spray pump is leaking o a 2 barrel carburetor how do i fix this?

how do i fix leaking spray pump on a 2 barrel carburetor

Why would you have to spray starter fluid in the throttle body for car to start up?

Not enough fuel is reaching the throttle body, check your fuel pressure it may be your pump going out.

What does asthma mean to people?

it means that their lungs are not able to pump enough blood around the body so they use an inhaler to give that little bit of help to the heart

Why won't the windshield water pump won't spray when I try to clean the windshield?

There could be a couple of reasons why a windshield water pump won't spray. There could be a clog or the pump has went out.