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I am 15 and I have been wearing my braces for a few days now. The full length of my treatment is 3 years though. Nothing will happen to your teeth, they will just feel really funny without the brackets on. It will take some time getting used to. I can probably tell that from the extent of your treatment that your teeth were very crooked and resistant, but now they are dazzling. Wear your retainer when you finally get it and as always, don't forget to brush. I hope this helped.

P.S. There have been people who have had to wear braces for longer. If you don't believe me, check out this website.

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Q: What happens to teeth after being in braces for six years?
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Can you get braces having wisdom teeth?

AnswerIn most cases, there should be no problem in having your wisdom teeth extracted while you are still wearing braces.This is usually done when there is an infection on the wisdom tooth, or when the extraction is indicated to help with the orthodontic treatment.AnswerAfter having had braces, for four years, the orthodontist told me which teeth had to be extracted PRIOR to the braces being put on. The extraction sites had to then heal, before the braces could be applied. Working around braces is so difficult, that normal dental cleanings and flossing can NOT be done.

Should you be excited about braces?

I've had my braces for almost two years.... the only reason I was ever excited about braces was that I would eventually get them off and have awesome teeth:] but BRACES suck you don't enjoy eating especially if you have rubberbands and EVERYTHING gets stuck in your teeth and by the next meal you still have food in your teeth

Can you play a flute with a front gap in your teeth?

Of course! In fact I did for about three years. But if you do have a gap in your teeth I suggest seeing the orthodontist. If you do happen to get braces you must mention to your orthodontic that you play a wind instrument. A common type of braces for people who play a wind instrument are called lingual braces. Instead of being glued to the front of your teeth lingual braces are glued to the back, they are a great solution for musicians, however they do cost much more than regular metal braces.

How bad do your teeth need to be to get braces?

it doesn't matter if yu have crooked teeth or not. if you want braces and if you are going to pay for them the dentist will put themon. sometimes if your teeth are to bad the dentist will recommend them

How many years do you wear braces?

it depends on what your orthodontist says is needed for your teeth

My friend is getting braces but unfortunately her teeth are all shapes and sizes will they still look really nice and neat after she takes them off two years later?

yes i got braces 2 years ago and my teeth were like hers and by the time i got my braces off, my teeth were perfect and they look really nice. hope this helps...

Do you need braces if you are ten years old and have buck teeth?

It depends how bad it! My friend she had buck teeth but when she got older her teeth started to expand and grow together and be straight. So go to the dentist they will tell u if u need braces are not!

Does getting braces hurt if you have crooked teeth?

You will have to get braces if your teeth are twisted but you don't have to get them until your 20,30 or 40 years old and your teeth can untwist if you lose all your baby teeth I think.

When can you remove braces?

It all depends on the crooked teeth, and the patient that comes to the office After two years

What can you do if your teeth have moved years after having braces?

You have to get braces again. Yeah, bummer. Same thing happened to me. I thought once you had braces that was it. Forever. Not so. Many people find that their teeth begin to move 20, 30 + years after having their braces off. I'm 37 and had my braces off when I was around 12 or so. My teeth started moving a lot about two years ago. My dentist told me that lots of people need (what she called) "a second round of ortho." Ideally its best to have your teeth corrected before they get TOO much out of whack again. I just don't have the dental insurance for that. Braces nowadays come in clear and even removable form so you won't look like you did when you first had braces. Do a Google search on "adult braces" and you'll find plenty of articles! ~ T

I have crocked teeth and i missed out on braces in my younger years can i get perfect teeth surgically?

No, but you can still get braces as an adult. They have something called Invisalign now; you can't even see them. Ask your dentist about them!

What do orthodontic braces cost?

The cost of orthodontic braces will vary depending on the amount of work that has to be done on the teeth. It has been stated that the average cost for two years of wearing braces runs about $5,000 to $6,000.