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The muscle will atrophy.

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Q: What happens to muscles when they lose their nerve supply?
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Do you paralized from multiple Sclirosis?

you lose intervation (nerve supply) to the muscles. so yes. you lose intervation (nerve supply) to the muscles. so yes.

What happens to your body during starvation?

you lose weight and your body eats the muscles to stay alive

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to lose one's nerve - to take fright, to panic

What condition makes you lose control of the muscles in your face?

A stroke, poorly performed dental surgery causing nerve damage, improper use of Botox, etc.

If there is an increase in the money supply that cause money to lose it purchasing power and leads to inflation what happens to prices?

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If there is an increase in the money supply that causes money to lose its purchasing power and leads to inflation what happens to prices?

they rise

When you excerise you get pain in your calf muscles and lose feeling to your feet. What is wrong?

You have probably injured a nerve in your legs/calf muscles that connect to your feet which causes numbness in your foot muscles. You should stop the exercise you are doing and see a Doctor or a Physiotherapist before the pain and loss of feeling gets worse.

If optic nerve is severed will you lose sight in both eyes?

Yes, if the optic nerve is severed, you will lose sight in the eye connected to that nerve. This means that you will lose sight in one eye if only one optic nerve is severed, but vision in the other eye will remain unaffected.

What happens to your muscles when your cold?

They constrict, cramp, & spasm in an attempt to prevent losing body heat.

What happens if you trip a GFCI repeatedly on purpose?

Every time you trip the GFCI, the power to the device plugged into it will lose its supply voltage.

What do you lose often?

Patience, temper and nerve.

How do you gain weight and lose fat at the same time?

well, try to lose weight normally and train your muscles because muscles add weight