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The cells will freeze, and likely die, especially when accompanied by rubbing when frozen.

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Q: What happens to cells during frostbite?
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Does frostbite kill cells?

Yes, ice crystals form and burst the cells.

Does frostbite occur when too little oxygen reaches cells?

That is not how frostbite occurs. Frostbite occurs when the water that is in the cell freezes due to the cold temperatures outside of the body. The water in the cells freezes, and stops oxygen from reaching that cell.

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What happens if you eat ice-cream that has frostbite on it?

Nothing will happen.

Is frostbite caused by too little oxygen reaching the cells?

Not exactly, it is caused by the cells actually freezing and dying.

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They become organelles

What medical condition would have caused the fingers and toes of the Antarctic explorers to turn black?

The name of the condition is frostbite, which kills the cells by freezing them. If the cells cannot be revived, the extremity must be amputated.

What happens that makes frostbite occur?

Frostbite is caused by the tissues that were subjected to extremely cold tempuratures to die off, because they are frozen or the nerves were damaged.

What happens during the s phase of the cells?

cell duplicates its DNA

Did WW1 soldiers get frostbite?

Not many of them did in Gallipoli where they some did during winter while on the western and eastern front many soldiers got frostbite

What happens if a finger is excessively milked during skin puncture?

cells die