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Every month (28 days or more) a girl has her period.

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It depends on the girl. If she is very athletic, she might not have stomach cramps but she might have other side effects like back pain, headache etc. It all depends (: Hope this helps ((:

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Q: What happens to a girls body every month?
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What happens to a boy every month?

Boys do not have monthly menstrual cycles like girls do. If you're referring to puberty, boys may experience changes such as growth spurts, voice deepening, and increased body hair growth during adolescence.

What are do girls start their periods normally?

Girls can possibly start there period when there 11 or 12. That's a phrase of puberty or a process of " dirty " blood to process out of you body. I'm 11 and I started my period Happens 1 or 2 times a month To me 2 time happens

What can you do to have a period every month?

Nothing. Your body is it's own machine.

Is it every month when your breasts grow?

No. your boobs will grow when your body is ready.

What happens to the body in puberty?

Girls: get pregnant Boys: Their balls start to itch

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Every girls has different opinions and references. Not every girl will answer the same way about what their favorite part of their body is.

What is the natural shedding of blood tissue that occurs in the uterus?

This process is called menstruation and begins happening to girls when they reach puberty...... what happens is the egg in a woman gets connected to the wall of the uterus where it is cuishoned by the blood and tissue.... if the egg is not fertilized by a man sperm cell it has to leave the body every month...... this process is called menstruation

What happens during a period?

You bleed from your vagina for around five days, and you have to wear either pads or tampons during that time. There can be cramps with it as well as some water weight gain, which goes away after the period is over for the month. Then it happens all over again every month!

Do girls bleed because of body changes?

Females bleed because their body tends to develope more so you go through changes in the order of your body. Females have a cycle to get rid of all the access waste and junk that your body consumes month after month.

What happens if harmfull products are not removed from your body every day?

You get harmed.

Is it possible to get the body like suelyn medeiros?

I was thinking the same thing.. Unfortunately there's nothing about it. She's gifted definitely in every way. its like every guys fantasy body and every girls dream body.

Why does your body complicated?

Girl's body is complicated because at age 10 there boobs start developing and start getting bigger by time, and hair starts getting under their pits and also on virgina!! At about age 13 they gets their periods like about every month!! And this is all what girls have