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They become thin and brittle.

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Q: What happens to Bones not subjected to ordinary stress?
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Why do bones need stress for bone maintenance?

Stress or strain on bones stimulates osteoblasts (cells that build bones).

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The main effect of applying mechanical stress to bones is?

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Two bones of equal radius are subjected to equal twistin tongues if one is longer the other twist which will fracture first?

If two bones of equal radius are subjected to the same twisting torque; if one of them is longer than the other, the shorter one will fracture first.

How does physical stress affect bone development?

Bones benefit from stress. It makes them grow stronger, as long as the stress is not sufficient to break them, of course.

What happens to the bones of a person as he grows older?

bones get rusty

Why do bone have increased calcium and phosphate levels due to exercise?

During exercise, bone cells are stimulated to uptake more calcium and phosphate from the blood to support bone remodeling and repair. This helps strengthen the bones by increasing their mineral content, making them more resilient to stress from physical activity. Regular exercise also stimulates the production of bone-strengthening hormones, further enhancing the absorption of calcium and phosphate into bone tissue.

What happens to bones when thy're burned?

buned bones become brittle

What happens with the whales bones after they get killed?

The whales bones got dissolved in the sea..

What happens to baby's bones when they grow up?

When a babtilage is slowly replaced by bones.

What is meant by compression of bones?

Compression of bones refers to a condition where bones are subjected to a force that causes them to decrease in size or volume. This can occur due to excessive weight-bearing, aging, or medical conditions like osteoporosis. Compression of bones can lead to pain, fractures, and deformities if left untreated.

What happens to monkeys bones when they die?

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