How do vampire bats attack their victims?
By far the most famous bat in the world is the vampire bat. This
species has a close association with vampires and mythological
stories. The real Vampire Bats are found in Mexico and do feed on
the blood of warm blooded animals, such as cattle, horses, or
birds. The vampire bat does not actually like the taste of human
blood and much prefer other warm blooded animals instead. The
vampire bat is one of the only species of bat that feeds on blood.
They do not, however, suck this blood. Instead, the bat makes a
small cut in the skin of a sleeping animal with their sharp teeth.
The bat's saliva has an aesthetic in it that reduces the likelihood
of the animal feeling the insertion. They then lap the blood up as
it flows from the fresh wound. There is a special anticoagulant
contained in the bats saliva that prevents their victim's blood
from clotting until the bat has finished its meal. The bat only
needs about two teaspoons of blood a day, so the blood loss is
minimal and rarely causes any harm to their victim.