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nothing bad. it may harden or start to smell bad, but it wont harm your skin or anything.

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Q: What happens if you leave semen on your face overnight?
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If you leave lotion on your face overnight what happens?

i usually leave lotion on my face overnight and nothing happens so ur good

What can you do to get rid of your pimples overnight?

Dont touch em, and once there dry you can roll them off your face.

What happens when i released more semen in young age?

When more semen is released in younger age then pimples starts comming out from the face

Why do girls like semen in the face?

The truth is that most of them think it is messy stuff. There is a big difference between what happens in a pornographic movie and real life. That said however, there are those that do get turned on by this because they feel success in pleasing their partner in this way. A girl might be flattered that a guy can have an orgasm just by looking at her face. The compliment that what he most wants to do with his orgasm is to make a memory picture of his semen and her face. Some girls are curing their acne getting the zinc from semen on the skin.

Is it ok to mix semen with my face lotion?

It is not ok just as it is not ok to mix urine with face lotion. A myth is emerging. Myth that semen is good and healthy to eat or apply.

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do you want semen in your face

Does it have any problem by putting semen on face?

It will not hurt you, but it is a bit of an odd thing to do and remember it is possible to catch STD's from other peoples semen.

Can semen clean your face?

Yes, and Peter Pan can fly...but only if you believe it.

Does urine get rid of acne?

well only if you mix it with semen.....lots of semen, semen has certain chemicals in it that have been proven to completely get rid of acne in a matter of days. You can use your own semen or have a friends ejaculate onto your face, whichever one is easier for you

What temperature does freezer need to be?

The best way to test this is to simply leave an egg in your freezer overnight. The next morning remove it, then sit on it until it hatches. If a baby alligator hatches from the egg punch yourself inthe face and you win.

Can sweating cause a red rash and swelling on the face overnight?

yes if you sleep face down but im not to sure go do your gp asap ...

How do boxers loose about 15 lbs overnight to make weight?

Boxers can lose a little weight overnight by sweating out water, but then face the extreme danger of dehydration during their match.