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I would recommend talking to a urologist. Urologists can destroy kidney stones using radiation.

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Q: What happens if you cant pass a kidney stone?
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Can you pass a 9MM kidney stone?

It is not likely that a 9mm kidney stone is going to be passed without assistance.

How do you pass kidney stone?

10 mm

What is something hard to pass not using your hands?

A kidney stone.

Why does it hurt for a kidney stone to pass into the ureter?

1. That body part has pain sensing nerves. 2. The kidney stone pushes on the nerves.

Can sex help pass a kidney stone?

If they are not bothering you at the time then by all means have a good time, it wont make them any worse.

How many kidney stones can a person safely have?

A normal person will not ever pass a kidney stone. Forming or passing kidney stones is not a normal process.

Does a 4mm kidney stone require lithotripsy?

In some patients a 4mm kidney stone may not need lithotripsy, however, for some patients this may be too large to pass without assistance.

Can kidney stones pass up through the esophagus?

No. There is no connection between the bladder and the esophagus. The only way to "pass" a kidney stone is through the urinary system, when urinating- and it is commonly quite painful.

Can you pass a kidney stone and pass another one a week later?

Yes, a patient with multiple stones may pass them hours, days or weeks apart.

How big is a 9 mm kidneystone?

A 9 mm kidney stone is considered a large kidney stone. It may be difficult to pass naturally and may require medical intervention such as lithotripsy or surgical removal.

How can you pass a kidney stone?

by drinking lots and lots of water and limiting salt intake. good luck

Does coriander juice help get rid of a kidney stone?

Drinking large amounts of fluids can help you to pass a kidney stone; coriander juice is not particularly more effective than any other fluid that you may drink.