

Best Answer

Here is a great article from Aetna Intelihealth. It was written by an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School.

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Q: What happens if you are pregnant and have Ashermans Syndrome?
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Yes, some can.

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What happens to the body that has down syndrome?

it turns into you.

What are the chances that a pregnant woman with Marfan syndrome will pass the condition on to her child?

A pregnant woman with Marfan should also receive genetic counseling regarding the 50% risk of having a child with the syndrome.

What happens to the baby of a pregnant women who drinks alcohol?

the unborn baby of the mother who drinks absorbs all the alcoghol and it deters its developemnent and the baby is diagnosed with F.A.S or fetal alcohol syndrome and is uncureable.

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down's syndrome is more likely

Is their any prevention for down syndrome?

Don't do drugs while pregnant.

Is there any preventions for down syndrome?

No. It happens by chance.

Is it illegal to serve alcohol to someone pregnant?

No one should drink while they're pregnant. Drinking while pregnant causes fetal alcohol syndrome.

Defects to drinking while pregnant?

The general term is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

What happens when drinking alcohol while pregnant?

You're baby will become an alcoholic. The baby suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome. Often they are under weight and premature. Suffer from developmental problems and may have learning problems.