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Tuberculosis is primarily caused mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacterium is small enough to float in the air, be inhaled, and evade basically all the lung's defense mechanisms. It grows very slowly, is virtually invisible on typical gram stain slides, and is difficult to treat.

Of the people who get infected, about 90% will have an inactive, asymptomatic infection.

The remaining 10% will have active disease, which if unchecked spreads to other parts of the body, including bone, brain, lung, kidneys, and lymphatics. This active disease has about a 50% mortality when untreated.

Symptoms of pulmonary TB include a persistent cough >3 weeks, low grade fevers, weight loss, night sweats, a cough productive of blood tinged sputum.

TB is treatable using a multi-antibiotic regimen which lasts for 6 to 9 months. It is CRUCIAL to take all antibiotics as directed, for the duration directed, when treating a TB infection, as TB is notorious for developing resistance to antibiotics.

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12y ago

you can spread it to other people so go see a doctor.

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by the kings touch. King Edward I

Can tuberculosis be treated with antibiotics?

Yes, it is usually treated aggressively with multiple antibiotics due to the high resistance tuberculosis has developed to multiple antibiotics. S - RPh

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You die

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