If the red blood cells stop working properly, there a number of things that could possibly happen. There are various disorders and conditions that may occur which include dehydration, chronic inflammation, damage of the bone marrow and so many others.
Sickle Cells?
Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to the muscle cells, it carries away carbon dioxide, other waste materials and excess heat from the cells
Abnormal, iron-saturated red cells are present in the blood of people who have this disease. Although the iron circulates normally from the plasma to the bone marrow, where new red blood cells are created, it is not properly incorporated
it dies
Materials needed by the cells move from the blood into the cells, and waste materials move from the cells into the blood.
whiteblood cells and red blood cells
Polycythemia or an increase in red blood cells
nothing immediatley, but there will be consequences, in case of cancer cells, they spread tumor to the surrounding organs/tissue system
They die
If they do, it would be the same as if someone cut your air off. You would die due to lack of oxygen.
When blood cells lose water, they shrink and become more concentrated in solutes. This can impair their ability to function properly, including gas exchange and nutrient transport. Severe dehydration can lead to reduced blood volume and affect overall circulation in the body.