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they got these leaf things and then pressed until it got better and then they took it of there was no docter and no hospitial

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Q: What happens if the gold miners got sick?
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How did the miners get to the gold fields?

gold miners got to the fields by covered wagon's,or by horse.

Was finding gold a sure thing for all that moved west?

No, most didn’t find gold. Gold wasn’t sitting around waiting to be found the miners had to work very hard to find it. Many worked in the rivers panning for gold and got very little out of it but dirty and some got sick.

How did the miners mine the gold?

they got the Jews to mine it and use alchemy to convert it to gold coins

What did gold miners do when they got rich?

they bought cloths and food for their family

How did San Francisco 49ers got their mascot?

Named for the miners who came to search for gold during the rush of 1849.

When did the miners get out?

The miners got out on October 15Th .

Where did the miners go west?

The miners went west because they thought there would be more land, food and money. They thought there was going to be loads of gold to dig up which they would get lots of money for, but when they got there there was over crowding with all the other miners that thought there was going to be lots of gold and land too. There was no gold left that was worth anything, only little bit of gold but most days the miners would go home empty handed.

How Eureka California got its name?

eureka was a word used by miners to say I've found it in the California gold rush

Who were the miners rushed to California?

They came from everywhere and got there anyway they could. Over 10,000 a day came to CA to seek gold.

What happens to the social classes during the black plague?

they got to sick and died

Did the miners get out?

yes, all 33 miners got out safe and sound..

Why were there son few easterners invoild in the Califoria gold rush?

Many got sick and died.