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If you do not get enough Oxygen in your blood you can die.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Even when it doesn't feel like it, there is still air in your lungs. A small bit always

stays there so that your lungs don't close in on themselves.

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12y ago

you would die. why? because your blood needs oxygen and if it doesn't get it, your blood cells won't act correctly.

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4y ago

and you are on 9 liters of oxygens, with a pulse ox shows 96 %...

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4y ago

what happens if no air goes to your lungs

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Q: What happens if no air goes to your lungs?
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What happens in the lungs when you breathe out air?

the lungs will moves down when breathe out air

How does air get into the lungs?

you breath it in and the air goes into your lungs and helps pump the blood around

What structure does air pass to get to the lungs?

the air goes through the pharnyx then the trachea and into the lungs

What is the of air into and out of your lungs?

oxygen goes into your lungs and then co2 comes out when mixed with a substance in your lungs.

What happens when you get the air knocked out of you?

Your lungs collapse.

What happens in the lungs air sacs sacs?

In the air sacs oxygen and other gases are stored and separated to be put into the blood stream.

What is the general function of the lung?

the specific function of the lungs is to help air pass throw the the lungs another answer is when you breath the air (oxygen) goes into the lungs

Where does air travel it taken into your mouth?

it goes to your lungs

When you breathe in air specifically where does it go?

it goes to your lungs

When air goes into the lungs the ribcage lifts up and out?

That is correct - at the same time. the diaphragm contracts, pulling air into the lungs.

What happens when a person inhales?

Air is forced into the lungs.

What happens when we breathe?

We draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.