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Your counts starts on day 1 of your period until your next period. Not all women have a 28 day period. Mine was 35 days. The important thing is to know when you are ovulating and in a 28 day cycle that would be days 14-19. Good thing to keep in mind too is that sperm can live 5 days in the uterus. So, if you had unprotected sex on day 11 you could get pregnant on day 14 if you ovulate with the 28 day cycle.

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Q: What happens if my period is late do I count 28 days from where it should if started or when it actually did?
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You could have broken your hymen due to exercise, stretching a certain way, and many other things. Talk to an adult you can trust about the issue. If you're old enough to be posting this kind of question on this site, you should be around the age when doctors talk to you about sex and your period.

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you should expect it on the day it suppose to come on.. Implantation happens a week before your if it didn't happen you got til when your period should come on.

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you should put in a tampon and wear a pad in your underwear

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No your probably just late , it happens

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If your period has lasted this long, you should go to the doctor or gynaecologist as soon as you can to get checked out.

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If you have not had a period ever you can't be pregnant. If you have had sex and have a period you might be pregnant. Talk to your mom.

should you drink caffeine before you start your period?

well actually NO. but I do it anyway.

Is it normal to get your period 5 times a month?

No normally your period should only come once a month but if your period has just started then they usually take a while to settle into a pattern. If it continues you should visit a doctor.