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If galactosemia is untreated, high levels of galactose cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, low blood sugar, brain damage, jaundice, liver enlargement, cataracts, susceptibility to infection, and death.

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Q: What happens if galactosemia is untreated?
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What happens to you if you have Galactosemia?

You get chronic Ghonorea and you die of your kidneys bursting out of your penis.

Why does congenital galactosemia appear only into infants?

Galactosemia is a condition where infants have trouble digesting lactose to the point where it could harm their organs. People's systems get stronger as people age so older children are no longer affected by the condition.

What happens to an untreated dry socket?

An untreated dry socket can lead to infection.

What health condition is Galactosemia?

The health condition galactosemia occurs when the body has a deficiency in processing glucose. The condition mostly affects infants and can be life threatening if not treated.

What are the features of the galactosemia?

Galactosemia is a genetic disorder that affects the body's ability to process a simple sugar called galactose. Symptoms may include jaundice, poor weight gain, feeding difficulties, liver enlargement, and cataracts. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as liver damage, kidney problems, and intellectual disabilities.

What can be treated by placing the affected individual on a restricted diet that excludes dairy products huntington disorder down syndromefaulty-enamel trait or galactosemia?

Galactosemia... the word "lactose" in this word should have given you a thoughtless answer.

What causes galactosemia II?

Galactosemia II is caused by defects in both copies of the gene that codes for an enzyme called galactokinase (GALK). The frequency of occurrence of galactosemia II is about one in 100,000-155,000 births.

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