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the embryo is moved into the uterus.A sac called the placenta forms around the embryo,connecting it to the uterus by the umbilical cord.the umbilical cord supplies the embryo with nutrients and oxygen from the mother's body.Then the embryo develops into a fetus and limbs, body systems, bones, sense organs, and the brain.

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12y ago

The embryo moves into the uterus and the umbilical cord carries certain nutrients to the embryo from the placenta. The body systems, limbs, bones, and brain start to form.

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first tree month of embrion life

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The first three months of pregnancy

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Q: What happens during your first trimester?
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What happens during first trimester?

The major organs systems have started developing.

What is early pregnancy loss?

The traditional designations are: During the first trimester - abortion (spontaneous abortion, if you want to avoid ambiguity) During the second trimester - miscarriage During the third trimester - stillbirth

Do you usually gain weight during the first trimester?

Some people gain no weight during the first trimester, particularly if they have morning sickness. Other people gain a small amount, particularly towards the end of the first trimester. The most weight is gained during the second trimester though.

Which trimester is most critical for the development of a baby?

The first trimester is most critical for the development of a baby. The babies brain is formed during the first trimester.

What is developing during the first trimester?

a baby

What best describes what happens to a developing fetus during third trimester?

the organs grow larger

What happens during the third trimester of pregnancy?

The body organs are developed and refined.

Why do you get so thirsty during the first trimester?

Hormones are changing

During the first trimester does the baby eat what you eat and take in?

no they do not

When can the baby first be felt moving?

During the second trimester

Is it possible to gain 15 to 20 pounds within the first trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, it is possible, but it is not recommended and it is not healthy to gain that much weight during the first trimester. Most of your pregnancy weight gain should happen during the second trimester.

What is happens during the first trimester of pregnancy?

The baby is growing It is during the first trimester of pregnancy that the fertilized egg gets attached to the uterus and multiplies and differentiates itself into the three basic layers of Endoderm, Mesoderm and Ectoderm each one of them developing into the various tissues and systems and a human foetus takes shape with all required organs. Majority of this happens in the first trimester and continues till term. At the end of the first trimester all vital organs including the heart will have taken shape. (The foetal heart and the circulatory system is structurally a bit different from that of the adult and the lungs is a solid non-spongy organ with no air in it).