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Q: What happens after target of gang-stalking is deemed mentally ill by psychiatrist?
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What happen if a psychiatrist disclose a service member protected health information?

A psychiatrist has the duty to disclose certain information to the authorities if the patient is deemed a danger to other people. If they disclose other information, they may be open to litigation or professional misconduct charges.

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your life is deemed unworthy

When do patients not have the right to access their medical information?

A patient is always permitted access to their own medical records. The only possible reason why they would not be allowed is if they are deemed mentally incompetent.

What happens if you come back when you are 18 after you are deemed a runaway when you were 17?

They don't have to let you in once you reach the age of 18.

What is the name for a person that helps crazy people?

A mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or therapist, may provide assistance to individuals experiencing mental health challenges. It is important to use respectful and appropriate language when referring to individuals seeking support for mental health concerns.

Is a sociopathic parent responsible enough to have unsupervised visits with young children?

Unless a psychiatrist/psychologist has deemed this person as being of no harm to the children unsupervised then that's the way it has to be. If the courts thought otherwise then your spouse wouldn't get to see the children unsupervised.

Is it legal for a hospital to press criminal charges against a mental patient that bites a staff member while he is mentally unstable and in four point restraints?

Yes it is legal to press charges as it is still a form of assault regardless of mental state. It would then be decided in Court if the patient was mentally unstable and if so he/she would be sent to a psychiatric unit for treatment. The case would prove that whilst the patient is mentally ill he/she is a danger to others. If the patient is deemed not mentally ill then he/she would more than likely be sent to prison instead.

Who can not possess a firearm?

Laws vary state to state but usually these people cannot own a firearm: Felons Minors Those deemed Mentally Ill Those who use Drugs Those convicted of Domestic Violence

What are three sentences for the word deemed?

I deemed it unsafe to proceed.The test was deemed inaccurate. He was twice deemed to be at risk to himself or others.

Who do they make Clarisse go and see in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse goes to see a psychiatrist because she is deemed antisocial and a potential threat to society for her unconventional thoughts and behavior. The society in the novel views her as a misfit and tries to suppress her individuality.

What happens when okonkwo's gun go off?

The accidental shot he fired hit a bystander at the funeral ceremony. So Okonkwo was deemed a murderer.

What is the meaning of deemed income?

deemed income