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All the organs and bones around it leave a gap the shape of a kidney for them to fill.

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Q: What gives the kidney the bean shape?
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Related questions

What is the bean shape excretory organ?

The shape of the kidneys has been compared to that of a bean, particularly a kidney bean.

What shape is the kidneys?

Your kidney is shaped like a kidney bean.

Why are kidneys called kidneys?

The shape of your kidneys resemble the shape of the kidney bean.

What shape are the kidneys?

Scarlet, or dark-red mixed with brown. It depends on the condition of the liver - e.g a smoker's liver would be dark yellow and has an unpleasant texture while a healthy one should be smooth and red. It's shaped kinda like a triangle, or a weird parallelogram.

Where are bean shape structures found in the body?

kidney spleen small lymph nodules

What is a kidney seed?

Most bean seeds are in the shape similar to a human kidney. There is one, however, which is actually called a kidney bean, is a common ingredient in chili can carne, the Creole dish red beans and rice, and in the food of northern India.

Which came first the kidney or the kidney bean?

The organ was called a kidney first. The kidney bean is called so because it is shaped like a kidney, the organ.

How many cotyledons does a kidney bean have?

a kidney bean seed has 2 cotyledons

Drawing of a kidney bean?


What plant to kidney beans come from?

The kidney bean plant. If you actually take a kidney bean from a goya bean package and put it in dirt and water, it will actually grow. The kidney bean plant is a fast growing bean plant that does not require support like a bean pole like peas.

What is a cannellini bean?

A cannellini bean is a white kidney bean.

Are kidny beans a vegetable?

Well, they certainly aren't a meat - kidney refers to the shape and color of the bean, not that it comes from a kidney. Beans are legumes - and, yes, that makes them a vegetable.