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They help the virus attach to host cells


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Q: What function do molecules on capsids perform?
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What function do these molecules on their capsids . What function do these molecules perform?

they help the virus attach to host celle Gradpoint/novanet ;)

Some viruses have special molecules on their capsids. what function do these molecules perform?

These molecules on the capsids of viruses can help facilitate attachment to host cells, allowing the virus to infect the cell. They may also play a role in determining host specificity and tissue tropism. Additionally, these molecules can help evade the immune system by masking the virus from detection.

What function do capsids perform?

Capsids are protein coats that protect the genetic material of a virus. They help viruses to attach to and enter host cells, as well as shield the viral genome from environmental damage. Capsids also assist in the release of the viral genetic material into host cells during infection.

What function does the plant cell perform to store energy from the sun in the form of molecules?

plant cells perform photosynthesis to store energy from the sun in the form of molecules

What do capsids give viruses?

what do capsids give their viruses

What do capsids give their viruses?

what do capsids give their viruses

Why would a drug that damages capsids help treat?

capsids prevent viral infections apex they stop viral infections from reproducing

What are single-stranded RNA molecules that have no surrounding capsids and infect plants called?

Such single-stranded RNA molecules that lack capsids and infect plants are called viroids. Viroids are infectious agents composed solely of a short, circular single-stranded RNA genome that can disrupt the normal functioning of plant cells, leading to various diseases.

What function do carbohydrate portions of molecules perform?

The functions of carbohydrate portions of molecules include energy storage. It also functions as the backbone of RNA and DNA molecules. Carbohydrates also contribute to the structure of cell walls.

Why is the leaf cell structure unable to perform the function of the tuber cell efficiently?

Because the leaf structure do not have the ability to store the starch molecules

What determines the function of a cell?

The function of a cell is determined by its structure, specifically its organelles and molecules. Different types of cells have different structures and compositions that enable them to perform specific functions within an organism. Additionally, a cell's function can also be influenced by external factors such as signaling molecules and interactions with neighboring cells.

What would a drug that damages capsids help treat a viral infection?

A drug that damages capsids could potentially help treat a viral infection by preventing the virus from successfully replicating and spreading in the body. Capsids are protein coats that protect the viral genetic material, so disrupting or damaging them can inhibit the virus's ability to infect host cells and reproduce.