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---- What we breathe, drink and eat helps us maintain our biochemical composition and our body functions. Water, not strictly considered a food, should be the most important constituent in our diet and we should drink six glasses of filtered water a day while minimizing caffeinated and sugar-laden drinks. With the degradation of the soil, contaminated with pesticides and manufacturing chemicals, as well as processed food, we must be selective in terms of the foods we eat. Here, then, are my top recommendations for food for sight: Cold water fish (sardines, cod, mackerel, tuna.) Cold water fish are an excellent source of DHA, which provides structural support to cell membranes, and is recommended for dry eyes, treatment for macular degeneration, and sight preservation. Spinach, kale and green leafy vegetables.These plants are rich in carotenoids, especially lutein and zeaxathin. Lutein, a yellow pigment, protects the macula from sun damage and from blue light. Eggs. Eggs are rich in cysteine, sulfur, lecithin, amino acids and lutein. Sulfur-containing compounds protect the lens of the eye from cataract formation. Garlic, onions, shallots and capers This items are also rich in sulfur, which is necessary for the production of glutathione, an important antioxidant for the lens of the eye, and the whole body. Soy Low in fat, rich in protein, soy has become a staple in vegetarian diets. Soy contains essential fatty acids, phytoestrogens, vitamin E and natural anti-inflammatory agents. Fruits and vegetables Our mothers always told us about these -- they were right. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin A, C, and E and Beta-carotene. The yellow vegetables, such as carrots and squash, are important for daytime vision. Blueberries and grapes These foods contain anthocyanins, which improve night vision. A cup full of blueberries, huckleberry jam, or a 100 mg bilberry supplement should improve dark adaptation within 30 minutes. Wine Wine, known to have a cardioprotective effect, has many important nutrients, which protect vision, heart and blood flow. Needless to say, moderation is always important. Nuts and berries These are nature's most concentrated food sources. Grains, such as flaxseed, are high in the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and stabilize cell membranes. Virgin olive oil This is a mono-unsaturated oil, and is a healthy alternative to butter and margarine.

---- Nutrition cannot provide all the answers. We need to be able to add extra constituents to our dietary and life style program in order to catch up and restore what may have been lost. Here are my general recommendations for vision. They include those elements that are antioxidants, nerve supporters, pigment protectors, cell membrane components, vasodilators and cofactors. Vitamin C Vitamin C is an important structural component to strengthen capillaries and build collagen. It maintains the shape of the cornea, especially in cases of infection, and supports the fight against free radicals throughout the body. Vitamin C is the second most common antioxidant in the lens, and prevents cataracts from developing, whether due to sunlight exposure or other oxidative stresses. B Complex vitamins These vitamins are necessary for nerve function. The retinal receptor cells send all their messages through nerve fibers into the optic nerve, and into the brain. These vitamins maintain many nerve and general body activities. B-12 is especially important, as it is the most common deficiency in elderly individuals. 1000 mg of B-12, sublingually (under the tongue) a day is recommended for people with optic nerve disease or glaucoma. Alpha Lipoic Acid This is a very important nerve stabilizer and is helpful in diabetics, and in patients with glaucoma, to protect their remaining optic nerve fibers. Lutein Lutein and other carotenoids are very important in the eye. We know that carrots are good for day vision and lutein and zeaxanthin are important in protecting the central retina (the macula) from blue and ultraviolet light. Studies have shown that oral administration of lutein, or eating spinach, can increase the level of lutein in the retina. This is especially important for people with age-related macular degeneration. DHA Dicosahexaenoic acid, with six unsaturated double bonds, comprises 30 percent of the good fat that is in the retina, brain and adrenal gland. The primary source for this is algae and cold water fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines. DHA has been used as a supplement to infant formulas to improve visual performance in the first year of life, as well as emotional and physical development. People have found that following objects at a distance, driving and hand/eye coordination have all been improved with the use of this important fat, that stabilizes cell membranes throughout the body. N-Acetyl Cysteine This is the primary component in the production of glutathione. Glutathione is produced and released by the liver, and is the major antioxidant in the lens of the eye. Cellular enzymes -- glutathione reductase, super oxide dismutase and catalase, are the primary free radical-fighting potions inside our cells. Glutathione helps fortify these and protect many structures throughout the body while removing toxins from the body. Magnesium Magnesium is important in nerve conduction and it dilates blood vessels. Magnesium at bedtime, 400-500 mg, is important for maintaining blood flow to the eye and brain in elderly individuals with macular degeneration or Diabetes, at a time of decreased blood pressure because they are lying down. Magnesium and B-12 deficiencies are the two most common deficiencies in the elderly. Chromium This is important in regulation of blood sugar. Selenium is a cofactor for vitamin E, as well as glutathione reductase. Zinc plays a role in many enzymes present in the retina. Supplementation of more than 30 mg zinc daily requires adding 2 mg of copper. Gingko biloba This herb has been used for millennia for eye and central nervous system problems. It is known to be a selective cerebro-vascular dilator and seems to increase circulation to the back of the eye. It is becoming an adjunct in the treatment of macular degeneration and glaucoma. Although there are no critical studies that show a definite scientific value, there are many reports about its increasing blood flow to the eye. Coleus forskohlii, Pilocarpus jaborandi, and Triphala These have been recommended for patients with glaucoma to lower intra ocular pressure via parasympathetic relaxation of the body. Triphala (composes of Emblica officinaliis, Terminalia belerica and Terminalis chebula) has long been known in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of glaucoma. It is interesting that its mild laxative effect brings about a generalizing calming feeling, which is so important for glaucoma individuals, to reduce stress. Magnesium and B-12 are also important for these individuals with chronic glaucoma. Silymarin This is the primary component of milk thistle. Silymarin is a major liver support and is the only known treatment for chronic active hepatitis and for alcoholic cirrhosis. Theliver is the key organ for the eye, since all the fat soluble vitamins and glutathione are stored there. The B vitamins are activated in the liver. The eye is subjected to bright light throughout the day and the important ingredients for repair are stored in the liver. When the liver is overburdened, eyesight will be compromised.

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15y ago
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15y ago

For fruit there is Apples, Kiwi, and sometimes mango if it's picking season. For vegetables carrots is a definite in eye sight, and celery also helps (plus it helps with a steady diet). Hope this helped.

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14y ago

For eye health it is recommended to take in apricots, bilberry, kiwi and blueberry. These are just some of the 19 fruits contained in this juice. 4 ounces of which, supplies the antioxidant equivalent of eating 13 pieces of fruit each day! It is an easy way to do something very healthy for your body.

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Lvl 2
5y ago

All Citrus fruits which are rich in vitamin C are good for eye health. Along with it adding Omega 3 fatty acids, carrot, greens, and different fresh berries can help in improving your vision health and I have experienced it personally. Along with having a healthy diet, getting eyes periodically checked is very important. I suggest everyone to visit a good eye doctor regularly: Thanks!!

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15y ago

I forgot some of them, but mango is one of them, grapes are good for your health, if that helps with anything!

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14y ago

yes it is indeed

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14y ago

All kinds of fruit :)

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12y ago

Carrots are good.

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13y ago

guava is the fruit good for your health.

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In order to improve your eyesight, you should do eye exercises designed to permanently improve your vision. Such exercises only take about 10 minutes a day and can be very effective if done correctly.

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By eating carrots. It helps because it has vitamin A in it.

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Glasses and contact lenses can make your vision clearer. However, they can be harmful to your eyesight in the long run.In order to improve your eyesight, you should do eye exercises designed to permanently improve your vision. Such exercises only take about 10 minutes a day and can be very effective if done correctly.

Do eating fruits and veggies improve your eyesight?

Of course it does. Especially vegetables because it contains vitamin A which in the main nutrient in vegetables and vitamin A is the true key to better vision. Fruits do play a small roll in it but it is mainly known for vitamin C which is good for healing cuts and bruises.

How much percent does carrots improve your eyesight?

Carrots do not improve your eyesight.In order to improve your eyesight, you should do eye exercises designed to permanently improve your vision. Such exercises only take about 10 minutes a day and can be very effective if done correctly.Source:

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In order to improve your eyesight, you should do eye exercises designed to permanently improve your vision. Such exercises only take about 10 minutes a day and can be very effective if done correctly.