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Yogurt. It has pro biotics, and will aid in regaining the normal mucousa membranes of the digestive tract. In addition to yogurt, it is important to stay hydrated, with lots of clear liquids..the best being water. Stay away from sugar juices and soda, as they can sometimes worsen the condition.

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14y ago
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12y ago

A lot of drinks but without sugar.White yougurt without fruits etc. Salad with cocked eggs and vinegar, White rice without fat.

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14y ago

Cheese is good for stopping diarrhea. Avoid fruits and fruit juices as they can make diarrhea worse.

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13y ago

small amount of foods like cracker and such but if many will do more diarrhea than what expected so example crackers,noodles soup etc

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14y ago

Banana's can help or stop diarrhoea.

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15y ago

Drink lots of water and eat celery.

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12y ago

just dont be fat and stop eating

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Q: What foods stop diarrhea?
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yes also add a teaspoon of honey to stop the diarrhea.

Can fruit cause diarrhea?

Yes, it can. If you're a junkie it might if you go vegan. I am a vegetarian and eat pretty much only fruits and vegetables. But I highly suggest you DO start eating fruits and vegetables, even if you do have diarrhea. It will stop after a while, and it will do your body so much good to eat natural foods. Or you might have fructose malabsorption, in which case you should limit your fruit intake to avoid diarrhea.

How to stop diarrihea?

You can stop diarrhea with OTC medication, such as Imodium, Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol, or DiaClear.

What food gives you diarrhea?

Within 1 hour

Is diarreah part of morning sickness?

Yes it is, I get terrible diarrhea in the mornings now accompanying the vomiting. I eat very, very healthy foods and nothing to cause diarrhea.

Will blueberry give you diarrhea?

It depends what your stomach fluids are strong or weak to break down foods.

Does lactobacillus help stop chronic diarrhea?

id love to help yo but dont know what you are talkng aboutif you have chronic diarrhea, miralax helps