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1 Food sources that help with serotonin production - foods high in B-vitamins (brown rice, chicken, corn ,eggs, green leafs, legumes, meat, nuts, peas, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast), Calcium (almonds, brewer's yeast, green leafs and cruciferous vegetables, fish with bones, sesame seeds, tofu), Magnesium (green leafs, brown rice, sesame seeds, shrimp, salmon) and Tryptophan (turkey, soy foods, peanuts, almonds).

2 Essential fatty acids necessary for serotonin production are the omega 3's (fish oils found in mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna; walnut oil, flax oil) and 6's (canola oil, chicken, eggs, flax, grape seed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, turkey, wheat germ oil) as well as Gamma-Linolenic Acid (black current oil, bluegreen algae, borage oil, evening primrose oil). I've also read that most people have an excess of omega 6's and need to decrease the amount of 6's in their diet in order for the 3's to function well. I guess most of us are lacking in 3's.

3 Long-term stress depletes serotonin levels. Short term stress actually increases serotonin, but after time you get burn-out and it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to produce serotonin. So reduce stress--this can be as simple as adding exercise and meditation to the daily routine or as life changing as choosing to leave a really stressful job.

4-Avoid stimulants because they deplete serotonin over time--this works the same was stress does. We're talking things like caffeine, refined carbohydrates, chocolate, sugar as well as the heavier stimulants like cold remedies, alcohol, street drugs, diet pills and tobacco.

Taken from Alpha Online A Division of Environmed Research

Neurotransmitters Serotonin

Serotonin is similar to catecholamines. It is made from the amino acid, tryptophan. Serotonin is converted to melatonin in the pineal gland. Tryptophan, derived from food, is transported to the brain to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. At the appropriate place inside a brain cell, two enzymes and vitamin B6 transform tryptophan to serotonin. Serotonin is then transferred to the sending end of the neuron (the terminal bouton of the axon), where it is used as a molecular messenger to carry information across the synapse to the receiving neuron. ...

Serotonin production is sensitive to the supply of tryptophan in the diet. The effects of serotonin were first observed in the digestive tract where it causes contractions of the smooth muscle. Serotonin is released from blood platelets and elevates blood pressure. Serotonin circuits arise from the brain stem arousal complex and reach into all areas of the brain. Increased serotonin circuit activity tends to activate abnormal behaviors. Too little serotonin is associated with sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and depression. Some antidepressant drugs increase serotonin activity and these drugs tend to decrease appetite.

Serotonin itself isn't in food. It's a neurotransmitter released into the synapse and bloodstream. However, certain foods cause serotonin to be released like candy, cereal and pasta. Anything with plenty of carbohydrates will increase serotonin levels. However, the effects won't last long, maybe only 2-3 hours.

Please don't discount chocolate in an emergency , especially for women .I don't drink alcohol, but chocolate cheers me up niceely.

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10y ago

Marks Daily Apple mentions a variety of things to increase your body's serotonin levels. Getting protein is very important, some good sources including turkey, fish, chicken, cottage cheese, nuts, cheese, eggs, and beans as all contain generous levels of tryptophan (a serotonin converting amino acid). Essential fatty acids are also needed. Get plenty of DHA-enhanced eggs and dairy in your diet, and eat fish a few times a week. Good sources are wild salmon, mackerel, and tuna. For those who prefer eating animal free, you can eat on avocados, nuts, flaxseed, vegetable oils (walnut, avocado, almond, flax, olive) and seeds. Staying away from caffeine, alcohol, and sugar is recommended.

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16y ago

Serotonin is produced in the brain from the amino acid called typtophan, which is derived from foods high in protiens, for example meat, cheese and other dairy products.

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No, the only foods that raise blood sugar levels are foods with carbohydrates and herbs have no carbohydrates.

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Hydroxyzine decreases serotonin levels as it a serotonin antagonist.

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Finding foods that increase serotonin levels is a bit more involved then looking at a nutritional summary. The point is to lean heavily on plant foods to reap the maximum amount of nutrients.

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To increase serotonin levels naturally, you can try exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, eating foods rich in tryptophan (like turkey, eggs, and spinach), and exposing yourself to sunlight. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also help boost serotonin levels.

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There still exist no known norms for serotonin levels, as these vary widely among individuals.

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Is it possible that some foods raise good cholesterol levels?

Some foods do raise Hdl or good cholesterol levels. Fish and other foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats such as canola, avocado or olive oil, and foods containing soluble fiber such as oats, fruits, vegetables and beans are all helpful.

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