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Q: What foods have placenta in it?
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What foods contain placenta?

it depends upon to which placenta your are referring if you are talking about the placenta of humans or mammals, none that i am aware in normal practice. however it is done occasionally, but not in something you would purchase. you could eat placenta without harm, but you would have to harvest it and prepare it yourself referring to plants - the membrane surround the seeds of a plant is also known as placenta , in that usage, legumes, peppers, and others where the entire fruiting body is consumed you would be eating placenta from the wikipedia - Capsaicin is present in large quantities in the placental tissue (which holds the seeds), ...

What is the medical term meaning abnormal implantation of the placenta?

Placenta previa, placenta accreta, placenta increta, and placenta increta are all conditions stemming from abnormal implantation of the placenta.

Do cats have a placenta?

Placenta comes out after each kitten.

How nutrients oxygen and waste are exchanged between the fetus and the mother?

how nutrients,oxygen and waste are exchange between the fetus and the mother

To which structure does the umbilical cord connect the embryo?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus

Can the placenta move during pregnancy?

Yes. But the movement is relative. Placenta does not change the position. But lower placenta may move up. So that placenta previa may become normal placenta.

What is displaced placenta called?

Placenta Previa

Do kangaroos have a placenta?

Yes kangaroos have a placenta.

How does a new baby feed in her mothers stomach?

Via the umblical cord that is connected to the mothers placenta. Dissolved nutrients from foods the mother eat flow to the baby system from the mothers placenta via the umblical cord. This is the reason why poor feeding by pregnant women affect the unborn child.

What is the meaning of 'unremarkable placenta'?

"Unremarkable placenta" means there was nothing special, different, or noteworthy about the placenta being examined.

What is the medical term meaning condition when a displaced placenta is implanted in the lower segment of the uterine wall?

Placenta previaThat is called "placenta previa".placenta previaPlacenta previaplacenta previa

What is an abnormal condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall before the birth of fetus?

Placenta abruptio or placental abruption is abnormal separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.