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I am not a specialist in this arena, but without any reply at all, I could offer some thoughts on the topic. I generally have one normal bowel movement per day. I would guess that about 2 times a week, the need to go is considered urgent. In other words, from the time I feel the need to use the bathroom until the time I MUST be on the toilet is less then 5 to 10 minutes. In these cases, the movement comes out rather quickly, and while it is not diarhea, it is on the soft side, towards being loose. I don't consider this abnormal for me, and the rest of the time the need ir normal, and the movement is as well. I'm sure a lot of the urgency has to do with diet, as in what you have consumed in the past 24 hours, as well as stress factors. I think that if you are more relaxed, your bowels will move normally, or quicker at times. If you are having this urgent need several times a day, several times a week, it may be signs of a medical condition. My answer is to simply share what I consider normal for my bowel movement needs. Some people only go a few times a week, others as much as twice a day.

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11y ago

Cause: diet change, or allergy to ingested food, or medication such as antibiotic, or spoiled food, or IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome/Disease), or Crohnes Disease, or cancer. By process of elimination, a direct cause may be determined.

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13y ago

I am not sure if it causes frequent bowel movements, however i know for sure, that with too much pressure, there may be sever consequences. For instance extensive pressure on the intestines may cause them to poke out from the anus, which is very severe.

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Q: What foods cause frequent bowel movements?
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That is not common with those such foods, no.

What is the word for a food that causes bowel movements?

Laxative. It should be noted that ALL foods cause bowel movements! (Laxatives promote bowel motility which causes the fecal bolus (poop) to move more quickly through the GI tract).

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Certain foods can cause the stomach to act funky such as spicy, fried, and oily foods. These types of foods can definitely cause bowel problems such as constipation and diarrhea. A good way to make sure bowel movements are consistent and get the digestive system on track is to higher the fiber content in your diet.

What foods promote regular bowel movements?

Foods that are high in fiber.

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Strawberries can turn your bowel movements red. Other foods that can do this include, raspberries, beets, and tomato soup.

Does Dr. Pepper contain a laxative?

It does not contain an ingredient for that purpose. Caffeine does stimulate bowel activity and so can produce bowels movements. Also sugar in high concentrations and acidic foods can also trigger bowel movements.

Why would you not have bowel movements very often and when you do it is green and runny?

Not having many bowel movements can come from not drinking enough water (to flush your system), not eating enough fiber (like raisen bran and breads) and a host of other reasons. Runny green bowel movements can come from eating green foods (like broccoli, cabbage, etc). Stress for men and for a woman her monthly cycle can also cause runny bowel movements. I'm not a doctor just a mom of 5 kids, your best bet is to see your own physician to supplement this answer.

Can increasing intake of calories cause problems for bowel movements?

Yes, if you eat more protein you will generally have less frequent movements also if you do not drink plenty of water it will more difficult to go. Eating things like bananas can help with keeping you regular but too many prunes could get you going too much, best to eat a diet with a balance of foods that include fruit,vegetables and protein.

How do you Detoxify my colon naturally?

Two words: dietary fiber. Diets high in fiber cause regular bowel movements, a sign of a regulated digestive tract. Yes, pooping regularly will help keep your digestive tract moving and cleaner. It should be noted, however, that certain weight loss plans, namely volumetrics, that replace most foods with large amounts of leafy veggies high in fiber (low in calories, high in volume making you feel full) for extended periods of time cause excessive bowel movements with bowel irritability. So while fiber will help to detoxify your colon, too much fiber will cause frequent bathroom visits coupled with bowel irritation and other issues with your colon.

Where can I get more information on IBS symptoms?

If you are experiencing excessive pain in the abdomen, bloating, and frequent bowel movements which may include mucus or blood, you should consult with a doctor or medical professional. These are all tell tale signs of IBS and should be treated. You can try to eliminate sugary foods, milk products, and gassy foods as a precaution.

What do you eat to keep your bowels regular when your anorexic?

For all people, eating foods high in natural fibers help to keep bowel movements regular.

What should and shouldn't you eat if you have irritable bowel?

There are lots of foods that can cause more gas which can lead to some issues. Usually fatty foods and foods with are known to cause gas like beans and cabbage. Coffee is also know to cause gas.