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Lung disease is quickly becoming a bigger problem throughout the world. Tuberculosis figures are up, air quality is down and throughout the globe and people are suffering from various respiratory ailments. Medication can be expensive and vaccinations do not always work. There is good news however, in that there are actually several foods that can prevent lung disease and ensure better overall respiratory health.

  • Onions - They have long been known to be beneficial, even if they have a potent smell. However, there may never be a better time to start adding these fragrant foods into your diet. The onion is rich in many different components that are good for you, including Vitamin C and B6, as well as folic acid, and even potassium. Onions also contain quercetin, with is an antioxidant. This may be responsible for preventing many diseases, including lung cancer and even heart problems. This component also helps prevent blood clots.
  • Green Tea - This is one of the most popular preventives on the market, and as more research is done on the benefits of this tea, expects it to continue to stock the shelves of your local markets. That's a good thing since green tea may be responsible for preventing not only lung cancer, but a host of other diseases as well. It is very rich in antioxidants and can assist in boosting your immune system. In fact, a report published by the Linus Pauling Institute recently stated that combining green tea with NSAIDS may boost its protective values even more.
  • Garlic - there must be something about the smelly foods that makes them so beneficial. While most people rank garlic right below onions in their favorites list, this is a terrific little additive that packs a powerful punch and not just on your breath. Fresh garlic contains many antioxidants and may help prevent respiratory ailments, lung cancer and many other cancers. However, keep in mind that the over the counter supplements frequently do not produce the same results. If you want the full benefit, you'll have to it fresh.
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Q: What food should you eat to prevent lung cancer?
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Can you prevent Lung Cancer?

The most common preventable cause of lung cancer is the smoking of tobacco products. So the most effective way to prevent lung cancer is to not smoke. This will not prevent all cases of lung cancer, but is a big start. Then limit your chest exposure to medical x-rays to the minimum necessary, and avoid exposure to airborne asbestos, silica, etc. That still won't prevent all lung cancers, but will do a great deal.

What are some tips on prevention of lung cancer?

The main way to prevent lung cancer is to avoid smoking and areas in which there is a lot of cigarette smoke.

What are the main symptoms of lung cancer?

If you are worried that you have lung cancer you should immediately see a professional. If you are not sure, you should access the website

How ca you prevent lung cancer?

if a person do not use smoking drugs poison

How can you prevent lung cancer from getting worse?

don't be around people who smoke

Is THC contraindicated in elderly lung cancer patients?

If I were caring for a elderly person with lung cancer, i wouldn't have them smoke it. I would have them eat food!


If a person dies from lung cancer, the accidental life should still pay.

Should you smoke after getting lung cancer?

no are you dumb

What are some health habits you can follow to prevent heart disease and emphysema and lung cancer?

by not smoking.

How should you adapt to lung cancer?

You have to gave a lot of swag

What month is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is not a month.

Where can one get information regarding lung cancer surgery?

The best way to find out about lung cancer treatment options online is to go to hospital websites or cancer websites. From there they should inform you of their treatment programs or lead you to links of those that do.