Lung disease is quickly becoming a bigger problem throughout the world. Tuberculosis figures are up, air quality is down and throughout the globe and people are suffering from various respiratory ailments. Medication can be expensive and vaccinations do not always work. There is good news however, in that there are actually several foods that can prevent lung disease and ensure better overall respiratory health.
The most common preventable cause of lung cancer is the smoking of tobacco products. So the most effective way to prevent lung cancer is to not smoke. This will not prevent all cases of lung cancer, but is a big start. Then limit your chest exposure to medical x-rays to the minimum necessary, and avoid exposure to airborne asbestos, silica, etc. That still won't prevent all lung cancers, but will do a great deal.
The main way to prevent lung cancer is to avoid smoking and areas in which there is a lot of cigarette smoke.
If you are worried that you have lung cancer you should immediately see a professional. If you are not sure, you should access the website
if a person do not use smoking drugs poison
don't be around people who smoke
If I were caring for a elderly person with lung cancer, i wouldn't have them smoke it. I would have them eat food!
If a person dies from lung cancer, the accidental life should still pay.
no are you dumb
by not smoking.
You have to gave a lot of swag
Lung cancer is not a month.
The best way to find out about lung cancer treatment options online is to go to hospital websites or cancer websites. From there they should inform you of their treatment programs or lead you to links of those that do.