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Increase intake of FRUITS and VEGETABLES Avoid fried foods and fast foods also red meats. Decrease drinking coffee. No white starches, not to much salt, no saturated fat. You should drink chamomile tea and red raspberry leaf tea. Excersize and meditate. Eat deep water fishes like cod, sardines, halibut, and makrel. Also eat onions, garlic, peas,beans, beets, radish, cucumber, celery, asparagus, eggplant, apples, grapes, avocado, necturines, and plums. I really hope those of you with ovarian cancer get better. I have a mother with this, so I am giving this advice out.

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Q: What food not to eat when you have ovarian cancer stage 3 c?
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What supplement can eat to cure ovarian cancer?

None. You cannot treat ovarian cancer with diet supplements.

What diet changes need to be made for someone with ovarian cancer?

After being dignosed with an illness it's important to eat the best you can to help your body be at it's top performance. For tips on how to eat better and live with ovarian cancer check out

What should one eat and drink while fighting ovarian cancer?

Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale have been proven to be effective while fighting ovarian cancer. Yellow vegetables (squash, bell peppers) have also been proven effective. This article has more information and statistics:

Will diet and exercise help prevent the symptoms of ovarian cancer?

All the diets I found online for cancer seem to be the same whether you have Ovarian Cancer or Lung Cancer. Some believe that diet may help to ward off any cancer, but there has not been enough studies really to claim that. They seem to agree you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, grains and stay away from red meat.

Does grilled food give you cancer?

only if you eat it

Is it safe to eat the half-eaten food of a cancer patient?

Yes. Cancer is not contagious. You can't "catch" cancer from someone.

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instrar are also called larva stage in this stage the larva will eat and eat to store food while it's in the pupa

Can eating Broccoli get rid of brain cancer or any type of cancer?

No. Once a person has cancer, it won't matter what food you eat.

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male chickens

Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer?

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian CancerOvarian cancer can be quite difficult to detect and diagnose in the early stages. Even with regular blood tests and ultrasounds, a tumor on the ovary can go undetected until it has grown to a substantial size.Abdominal Pressure and FullnessOne of the most common symptoms women experience with ovarian cancer is a constant pressure felt in the lower abdomen. This is usually accompanied by a feeling of fullness when trying to eat, leading to a decrease in appetite and subsequent weight loss.Bladder and Bowel ProblemsWomen with ovarian cancer often feel persistent pressure on their bladders, causing an increase in the frequency of urination. This is caused by the tumor pressing on the bladder, decreasing its capacity.Constipation is also sometimes experienced, although it can be a symptom of other problems. This symptom is usually noteworthy when viewed in conjunction with the other symptoms which are common to ovarian cancer.It is important for woman to be aware of the symptoms which accompany ovarian cancer, as well as be persistent in being her own advocate when relaying the information to her physician. The earlier a tumor on the ovary is found, the better the prognosis for treatment.

Is THC contraindicated in elderly lung cancer patients?

If I were caring for a elderly person with lung cancer, i wouldn't have them smoke it. I would have them eat food!

what diet is there for cancer patients?

Cancer patients can pretty much eat anything, but that doesnt mean give them some fast food. Give them healthy foods. The problem really is if they have the appetite to eat.