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No (added NaCl) salt diet! What doctors constantly ignore is, without chloride, stomach acid (HCl) canNOT be produced. Stop feeding your body salt and you will reduce acid production within 2 days. Some (simple, single=mono) sugars eaten with your salt can bond the chloride. Things like glucose, dextrose, maltodextrine (but strangely not normal sugar, sucrose which is a double sugar. Frutose has too many calories).

Mono-sodium glutamate also helps. It has excess sodium (to neutralize acid) and no chloride(!), but unfortunately makes people forgetful with their short term memory. Milk+(fat blocker)Cactus-FigThistel also helps, but don't overdose, otherwise gallbladder acid side-pain from a too low-fat diet. The gall bladder needs some fats or oils to work on, otherwise it painfully stores its acid. Milk has (natural, biological) calcium to neutalize acid. Chemical bases are unstable & excess usage produces cramp syndromes within 2 days, for things like Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, etc. If you have to use those chemicals, then mix them with (food acids, like) lemon juice, to fizz away their instability for about 15minutes. All biological life is made of optically left molecules; chemicals are made of left & right, meaning 50% junk. Food decays to 50/50% after 4years, called racemization. Good luck! Because most foods are salted.


You need salt to live.

Might be argued, but we don't eat just pure sugar or protein or fat. Instead,

we eat food (=living organisms) which have salts, e.g. minerals, not just sodium or chloride. Sea fish & birds have a salt gland e.g. near the nose, which gets rid of extra salt. Overdose of salt is unhealthy. Cows get enough minerals from the grass_roots' extraction. You don't need more. I don't see cows salting their pastures, & they are still alive. Some (1 sided) medical misconceptions have hypnotized & brainwashed the public into believing the wrong thing. Balance is what we need; not fanatic extremes. Salted chips, cola, sugared water pop etc. is all that going to help the mineral balance? No! Meat (&/or fish, milk, eggs), vegetables & fruit do.

Please don't tell me they don't have minerals. They do.

Even lake or stream water has minerals, without chloride.

Correctly stated: You need natural minerals from fresh food & water to live;

not added table salt (NaCl).

I make the distinction between common "salt" (NaCl), versus (mineral) "salts" which encompass the whole chemical periodic table. A little bit of chloride is present & useful, but too much causes excess stomach acid.

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11y ago

No salt diet! What doctors constantly ignore is, without chloride, stomach acid (HCl) canNOT be produced. Stop feeding your body salt and you will reduce acid production within 2 days. Some (simpe, single=mono) sugars eaten with your salt can bond the chloride. Things like glucose, dextrose, maltodextrine (but strangely not normal sugar, sucrose which is a double sugar. Frutose has too many calories).

Mono-sodium glutamate also helps. It has excess sodium (to neutralize acid) and no chloride(!), but unfortunately makes people forgetful with their short term memory. Milk+(fat blocker)Cactus-FigThistel also helps, but don't overdose, otherwise gallbladder acid side-pain from a too low-fat diet. The gall bladder needs some fats or oils to work on, otherwise it painfully stores its acid. Milk has (natural, biological) calcium to neutalize acid. Chemical bases are unstable & excess usage produces cramp syndromes within 2 days, for things like Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, etc. If you have to use those chemicals, then mix them with (food acids, like) lemon juice, to fizz away their instability for about 15minutes. All biological life is made of optically left molecules; chemicals are made of left & right, meaning 50% junk. Food decays to 50/50% after 4years, called racemization. Good luck! Because most foods are salted. Peter Sheedy email:

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13y ago

There are definitely foods that you should avoid if you have acid reflux problems. This is basically heartburn, so you should avoid spicy food, and the foods that help the most are dairy products.

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13y ago

For someone with acid reflux, it is a good idea to eat smaller and more frequent meals, instead of huge meals. Eliminating fried foods and alcohol is also very helpful, and sometimes keeping the head elevated at night can help.

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12y ago

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when the sphincter, or ring of muscle fibers, between your esophagus and stomach does not close correctly. This causes food and stomach acids to leak back into the stomach, which commonly leads to heartburn, nausea and the feeling that food is trapped behind your breastbone. Although over-the-counter medications may ease these symptoms, a proper acid reflux diet helps you avoid heartburn.

Safe foods

Foods that are safe for a sufferer of acid reflux come from every major food group - you do not have to put your body's nutritional needs at risk. Acceptable fruits include bananas and apples in any form. Broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green beans and peas are all safe vegetables. Protein, found in chicken, egg whites and fish, exerts pressure on the problematic sphincter and is good for heartburn. However, meats should always consist of lean cuts. Fat-free feta or goat cheese, cream cheese and sour cream are also safe. Drinking mineral water prevents heartburn more than other drinks.

Why not try inventing recipes that only include these foods? You can also find acid reflux-safe recipes online. Foods to avoid

It is important to know the foods that cause acid reflux in order to avoid them. These foods either relax the problematic sphincters or cause excess stomach acid production. Greasy foods, butter, mayonnaise, whole milk, creamy sauces and generally fatty foods cause heartburn, as do chocolate and peppermint. You should also avoid soft drinks, coffee and other beverages likely to contain caffeine or carbonation. Alcohol, spicy foods, pepper and citrus fruits also stimulate acid production and, as such, you should avoid these foods.

Keep a food diary

Since the exact food that triggers acid reflux varies from on person to the next, it is a good idea to keep a food diary listing everything you eat. When you have heartburn, you can then go back, and figure out the source. This also helps your doctor advise you on an appropriate diet.

Acid reflux does not have to create constant discomfort and pain. By avoiding certain foods that contain caffeine or fat or that are too acidic, you can control this condition naturally, and avoid medications to control heartburn. This guide is a great way to start on the path to an acid reflux-free lifestyle.

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13y ago

apple cider vinegar two tea spoons in a glass of water, add baking soda one tea spoon and sip the water slowly over a hour and do this twice daily.

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14y ago

Celery is excellent for acid reflux. It a stalk or two before lying down.

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10y ago

I recommend trying the no junk food diet or the fresh food diet to be more exact. And avoid any food that makes you reflux.

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13y ago

Foods high in alkaline shoulb be in your diet.Soft foods are good because they dont irrate the esophagus. veggies, wheat,tofu, and fruits are good foods to eat

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